View Full Version : Finding the root of HA

19-10-21, 21:39
Has anyone found the root of their Health Anxiety or when/why it started & successful over come it? I've always felt like this would be the cure for me. However all of the "things" that I think could have started it happened years before I began this crazy ride. Anyhow, just curious. Also trying to distract myself from my current "issue".

19-10-21, 22:05
My first trigger for health anxiety was the outbreak of mad cow disease. I think I was around 7?
I remember seeing people on the news dying horrible deaths from it and feeling absolutely traumatised. I remember my mum and gran taking me to a petting farm and I wouldn’t touch the cows, I cried and begged to go home. From then on it just developed and here I am 31 years old and still feeling like that scared little 7 year old

19-10-21, 22:14
I am fascinated by this idea, too. I remember seeing a BBC Grenada Sherlock Holmes episode (Jeremey Brett!! So good!!) that had a plot involving vampyres, when I was still in primary school, and shortly after that I passed out in church on Christmas Eve (I was on antibiotics getting over group A strep and hadn't eaten enough...) Somehow the combination of these two things convinced me I was maybe cursed? I know that sounds absolutely nuts, but please remember I was a child at the time, and also GAS is known to sometimes mess with your brain and behaviour. Anyway, from there on out it was a steady stream of worry -- will I pass out again? Do I have any of these terrible diseases well meaning health programmes in the schools teach you about? (I remember a visitor from a melanoma foundation, a movie on ALS, a movie on eating disorders, etc.) I have worried / am worrying about ALL those things since, hilariously enough. I had a brief respite at uni but it always comes back.

Thanks for posting, though, Heather, such an interesting topic.

19-10-21, 22:50
Ah I can see how that would be scary for a little one, or even adults!

19-10-21, 22:54
You're welcome. And I can definitely see that situation making complete sense for a child. It goes to show how much our experiences as children affects us as adults I guess.

20-10-21, 14:39
Love this question! The root of mine is self worth/self esteem. I feel that I deserve something bad to happen to me because I’m not enough and that “bad something “ is health related. I’m gay and live in a conservative Christian culture so being closeted for years made me feel as though I had no value. It was when I came out and began dealing with all of that trauma that my constant HA worries began lifting and I was able to get control. My brain is still wired to go to HA worries but I’m much better equipped to recognize what’s happening and put a stop to it.

Im a firm believer that there are underlying issues with HA and that’s why I’m such a huge proponent of therapy.

20-10-21, 16:23
Love this question! The root of mine is self worth/self esteem. I feel that I deserve something bad to happen to me because I’m not enough and that “bad something “ is health related. I’m gay and live in a conservative Christian culture so being closeted for years made me feel as though I had no value. It was when I came out and began dealing with all of that trauma that my constant HA worries began lifting and I was able to get control. My brain is still wired to go to HA worries but I’m much better equipped to recognize what’s happening and put a stop to it.

Im a firm believer that there are underlying issues with HA and that’s why I’m such a huge proponent of therapy.So glad you are doing better. Being a Christian myself it heartbreaking to know that you felt not enough. I do struggle with that too. But I do get it. I just recently quit smoking & had been hiding that I smoked from anyone who knew me. (Other than my husband) fear of peoples judgements is real & so unfortunate that anyone has to deal with it.
I think my HA originated from always feeling different. I was raised by grandparents in a town & time that it was very uncommon. Then I moved in with my mother who had drug issues, which is not common thankfully. Then I had two children born with physical issues that required major surgery before the age of 2. (Praise God, they are well now) I think I began to expect the odd things would happen to me. I have only had minimal counseling though. I need to make it happen more.

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