View Full Version : Firm place where you would check your pulse. Only on left side.

21-10-21, 02:05
Ok. So the place one would check their place in their neck. Could it be normal for one side to feel firmer than the other? It almost feels like there may be a lump or something but since its where the caratoid artery is i have held back on poking around. I'm trying to reassure myself with the logic that it could just be a muscle or something that sticks out a little further on that side. I guess it just worries me more because it's the same side as the node. The raised node is right above the area im taking about. I know we aren't doctors, just curious if im checking something that no one usually ever even worries about.

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21-10-21, 13:36
picture removed.

21-10-21, 13:40
picture removed.I apologize. I didn't realize it was not ok. I should have.

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21-10-21, 14:28
Ok im going to let this rest I think, and im sorry for all the posts lately. I just have one more question. Is it ok to just never check your lymph nodes? Can I just forget about it/them? I want to. I want to believe if it were something sinister there would be other symptoms. I know I probably sound childish. I want to shake this feeling though.

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21-10-21, 14:30
Most people never check their lymph nodes. I know I never do, and I used to suffer from crippling HA. You're perfectly safe not to think about them at all.

21-10-21, 14:35
Most people never check their lymph nodes. I know I never do, and I used to suffer from crippling HA. You're perfectly safe not to think about them at all.Thank you! My husband has been telling me this as well, but I always figure he's a little too disconnected with whats going on with his body. (A quality im jealous of by the way.lol) Just need a second opinion.

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21-10-21, 14:37
Seriously, it's fine. This isn't something you need to worry about, I promise.

21-10-21, 14:40
Seriously, it's fine. This isn't something you need to worry about, I promise.Thank you!

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21-10-21, 16:18
You should see a doctor about your anxiety though. Constant checking of nodes, or the pulse, is an OCD type behavior. related to health anxiety I'm a lymph node checker, and a pulse checker.

21-10-21, 16:21
You should see a doctor about your anxiety though. Constant checking of nodes, or the pulse, is an OCD type behavior. related to health anxiety I'm a lymph node checker, and a pulse checker.I know. I've been putting it off because I always think the current obsession will be the last. The pattern shows it won't be. I definitely have the tendencies though. Obsessively checking.

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