View Full Version : dvt or restless leg syndrome? i feel nothing but fear

21-10-21, 10:06
this is my first post here so i'm sorry if i accidentally put it on the wrong forum.
over the past 2 weeks i've been panicking almost non stop due to this strange sensation in my left calf, it feels very sensitive (if i lay it on a blanket it the feeling is amplified by a lot if that makes sense), sometimes heavy, sometimes like it's being squeezed and other times like it's bubbling, throbbing or buzzing, or it feels slightly cold inside. and to top that all off, very rarely it will hurt my chest if i take a deep breath, and my left arm is sore too for some reason. i don't know what caused all this (i'm thinking a new medication i'm on to treat migraines - nortryptyline - however i'm not entirely sure) but it sure is annoying.

despite this, massaging it, taking a warm bath or walking/moving the leg seems to get rid of the symptoms, as well as just taking my mind off things and focusing on something else. however that doesn't stop me from panicking :(

the same has happened on my other leg and my arms feel weak, and the anxiety from it is unbearable. i have had this before for like 5 seconds but recently it's gotten to the point where it's feeling like this 24/7 and unfortunately i ended up googling my symptoms. as a result my anxiety skyrocketed and i'm not sure what on earth i should do. my leg is not swollen, not tender, it barely hurts at all and it isn't red or warm -it just feels very weird and it's getting on my nerves. has anyone else felt like this before and if so what did you do to relieve it or stop panicking over it? i'm tired of worrying when i've seen a doctor who said it's almost guaranteed to not be a clot + i have another appointment tomorrow for another check just to be sure...

is there anything at all i can do to stop this for good? in april of 2020 i had what felt like a month long panic attack. a combination of family being awful and constant bombardment of negative covid related news sent me into a full blown panic for weeks. i do not want to experience this again and i hope anyone here can help.

21-10-21, 14:30
this is my first post here so i'm sorry if i accidentally put it on the wrong forum.
over the past 2 weeks i've been panicking almost non stop due to this strange sensation in my left calf, it feels very sensitive (if i lay it on a blanket it the feeling is amplified by a lot if that makes sense), sometimes heavy, sometimes like it's being squeezed and other times like it's bubbling, throbbing or buzzing, or it feels slightly cold inside. and to top that all off, very rarely it will hurt my chest if i take a deep breath, and my left arm is sore too for some reason. i don't know what caused all this (i'm thinking a new medication i'm on to treat migraines - nortryptyline - however i'm not entirely sure) but it sure is annoying.

despite this, massaging it, taking a warm bath or walking/moving the leg seems to get rid of the symptoms, as well as just taking my mind off things and focusing on something else. however that doesn't stop me from panicking :(

the same has happened on my other leg and my arms feel weak, and the anxiety from it is unbearable. i have had this before for like 5 seconds but recently it's gotten to the point where it's feeling like this 24/7 and unfortunately i ended up googling my symptoms. as a result my anxiety skyrocketed and i'm not sure what on earth i should do. my leg is not swollen, not tender, it barely hurts at all and it isn't red or warm -it just feels very weird and it's getting on my nerves. has anyone else felt like this before and if so what did you do to relieve it or stop panicking over it? i'm tired of worrying when i've seen a doctor who said it's almost guaranteed to not be a clot + i have another appointment tomorrow for another check just to be sure...

is there anything at all i can do to stop this for good? in april of 2020 i had what felt like a month long panic attack. a combination of family being awful and constant bombardment of negative covid related news sent me into a full blown panic for weeks. i do not want to experience this again and i hope anyone here can help.I think if it were dvt you would have increased pain when moving it.

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