View Full Version : Perforation? Constant pain 3 days after colonoscopy

23-10-21, 03:39
Hi all,

I haven't posted on here for a while as my health anxiety has been on and off but kept on a generally lower level. But right now I am in a state of panic and disheartening.

I went to have a sedated colonoscopy three days ago due to bleeding intermittently for two years, and the results came back all clear with internal piles. The doctor told me that I had a redundant (tortuous) sigmoid colon, so the procedure was difficult.

Ever since the colonoscopy 3 days ago, I have been feeling very tender on the left side (sigmoid colon area), I cannot apply any pressure without feeling very sore, tender and painful. I also feeling very gassy, frequent urges to defecate and pee. I do not have fever, chills or vomiting at this time. I called my doctor yesterday ( 2 days after the procedure) and told him about my tenderness. He said because I had a sharp turn in my sigmoid colon, so I may be tender for a couple of days.

Now, the pain in my sigmoid colon area is not getting better, which makes me very worried. I read that tortuous colon is a primary contributing factor to colon perforation, especially in the sigmoid colon area. Most people, I read, don't have any pain lasting for days after colonoscopy.

I am very scared and disheartened with myself right now and feel that I have done damage to myself. I don't know what to do. Does anybody ever feel the same after a colonoscopy?

Thank you!

23-10-21, 11:17
Has you called and spoken to your gastroenterologist?

23-10-21, 13:59
Yup I called and my doctor just asked me to put heat pad on where it hurts ... Ughh