View Full Version : Coming off Lexapro

23-10-21, 07:47
Hey everyone, I’ve spent nearly a year on Lexapro and I want to come off the drug and see how I get on. Throughout its usage I’ve experienced a lot of tiredness and some kind of emotional numbness (reduced sense of humour). It worked really for for anxiety. My question is: has anyone stopped taking the drug and managed to stay off it without relapsing? Thanks guys.

24-10-21, 00:25
Hi James..

I came of it recently and returned back to Sertraline. I was hoping to not (as you describe) relapse and need and AD at all, but it seems I do need something to manage depression. It can become frustrating to deal with the emotional numbness and decrease in libido; so adjusting the dosage to balance or offset side effect VS treatment seems to makes the most sense. I've been struggling for a very very long time to find the right medication and dosages, and still, I'm (barely) managing my depression. But, again, that is just (little old) me and everyone is different so you never know sometimes until you try to do without. I hope that made some sense. Most often I make little sense anyway nowadays ... Lol :)

Do you feel as if you would "relapse" without an AD? Do you feel the medication is helping you? Perhaps you could try adjusting the dosage to offset that numbness and find a good balance.


Best wishes to you.


24-10-21, 09:31
Hey Sal, thanks so much for responding and for sharing your experience and yes, it all made perfect sense :D

Can I ask why you chose to switch back to Sertraline? Were you experiencing side effects or was it ineffective?

I've previously used Lexapro and then come of it, but the anxiety returned within a few months, so I'm wondering if there is anything else I can do to reduce the risk of that happening, or whether it will always be a choice between being medicated or attempting to live with the anxiety - maybe that's the case and I will simply have to accept it. I had dropped down to 5mg, which is the lowest therapeutic dose, but maybe I need to either try and different medication or find an alternative approach.

Lexapro has always worked well for me but I'm I'm finding I'm so tired at work - sometimes I have to go and take a nap in my office just to get through the day.

How are you doing at the moment with your depression? It sounds tough going and i hope you're OK.
