View Full Version : tension in shoulders/neck

16-11-07, 18:10
My shoulders are always so sore through tension and lately my neck clicks all the time when move it...... makes me worry that there will be damage done in my neck tho logically I know its tension/bad posture etc.....

Anyone else got creaky bits?!!

17-11-07, 09:11
Yep, I've had a creaky neck for years, also muscle spasm that goes down into my shoulders if it gets bad. A chiropracter made a big difference, but I couldn't afford to keep going. sleeping with a low pillow helps, or none at all if I'm on my back.

17-11-07, 10:28
It's a classic symptom of anxiety. Tension builds up and creaking starts. I would say try to take a little exercise (walking is good) and some relaxation exercises. If you can afford one or two sessions with a physio or chiropracter that would help too. :hugs:

17-11-07, 17:36
Hey i'm 26 years old and get this when my anxiety is high.. Try some cardio either walking, running, biking 3 times a week for 20 mins this should help.

17-11-07, 18:12
Thanks guys, hope you are all having a good and peaceful weekend.

17-11-07, 18:17
You too, maybe try taking hot baths instead of showers too.. Maybe go out and treat yourself and buy a nice new pillow!

17-11-07, 21:02
Yes I might try a new pillow actually, mine are supposed to be hypo allergenic but are not v comfy,LOL. If only I could change my home situation... son and step dad at eachothers throats all the time, step dad always on my sons back, and he is only eight, feel like pig in the middle of them and am so stressed by it, it is a long ongoing thing, and I have secretly been looking at alernative housing as I am so low cause of it.