View Full Version : Anxiety over mums domestic abuse

23-10-21, 19:07
So I always knew my dad hurt my mum growing up and I also got it too sometimes but it never bothered me in my life as an adult. I recently learnt the extent of my mum's abuse, of which she suffered things no human should be subjected to. I am extremely ashamed and disgusted with my father and I can't help feeling my mum must have been so scared and confused to not speak out and get help, she just took beating after beating and protected us children the best she could. I'm not sure how to process the hurt she must have felt and I'm not sure how to help her through.

24-10-21, 08:18
I’m so sorry to hear that, it must be awful to find out those things. Your mother must be an amazing strong woman to have got through it all while doing her best to protect you. I don’t think anyone can understand what the abused person feels like unless they have similar circumstances.
I don’t know, but I’m sure there should be some help for someone in your position. Could you speak to your doctor about it to try and get some counselling?

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