View Full Version : Worried that I may have chalmydia, as test may have been done wrong.

24-10-21, 03:49
An ex message me that I haven't seen in 3 years out of the blue. He said he stopped messaging because he tested positive for chalmydia and claims that he never tested positive before.

I've had STD panels since being with him and it has come back negative for chalmydia. In fact one of them was done right after he stopped messaging me.

I'm now worried that maybe the test was done wrong.

The lab I use to go would give me the swab and send me to the rest room, so I could swab a sample from down there.

I'm now freaking out and wondering if I inserted the swab properly or far enough.

I've been panicking since he told me that.

I asked him why he didn't say anything 3 years, he says he was scared and in shock that he tested positive and didn't know how to tell me ( which is telling me deep down he knows I didn't give it to him and just didn't want to tell me)

What makes me panic more is that I am now married. I got tested when I met my husband. But I'm now worried about the tests being done wrong and worried I gave him chalmydia.

24-10-21, 12:25
The test would have been fine... and the results correct.. if you are really worried about it then I would say get another test done... BUT I don't think it is necessary it would be just for your peace of mind