View Full Version : Oesophagal problem for first time

24-10-21, 09:30
Hi everyone

I'm a 28 year old female and for the past week I have been suffering from indigestion type symptoms. This is something I've never really experienced before so unsure if it is just that.
It started with a strange hunger pain feeling in my throat then the sensation of a lump and burping. I've since had a painful chest and back (which I'm trying to be rational and put down to anxiety) and I'm now having a feeling of not being able to swallow things properly.

I know I have a poor diet and eat late at night and large meals etc but I always have and have never had these symptoms before which is what I think is causing my worry. I'm finding it hard to think rational when I've never had an issue with this before and I'm not even getting the typical signs of GORD like acid reflux to say its only that.

I'm not in a full blown panic yet but fear I will soon so any advice would be very appreciated

24-10-21, 12:23
These can also be just symptoms of anxiety... you say yourself you are worrying about it.. and the more you worry, the more the symptoms appear.

The feeling of not being able to swallow is a very common symptom of anxiety