View Full Version : Supraclavicular lymph node following flu vaccine

24-10-21, 18:11

I had the flu jab on Wed afternoon (I get it through working at the hospital). Felt bit rubbish Tues with pain in the vaccinated arm, going up to my neck. Woke up Wed morning to see a large visible lump above my collar bone. Knew on sight it was supraclavicular lymph node and to be honest, I lost my mind. I've always been scared of one of these nodes coming up. Anyway cut to a few hours later, and managed to see a nurse practitioner at the GP. She said she wasn't concerned and said its a reaction to the flu jab, apparently they've had quite few people in with the same thing and so to give it 2 weeks to go down. She also spoke to a GP cus I was in such a state and he didn't even want to see it.

Since then I can't think of anything else, it's all I think about, I feel depressed, hopeless. I can't get a hold of myself. My family think it's started to reduce in size... sometimes I think so but other times I think it hasn't. My husband has taken the weekend off of work cus I've been in such a state.

Any thoughts or personal experiences really appreciated.

Thank you

24-10-21, 18:25
My sister had lymph nodes come up on the same side as her jab after he had her second Covid injection. It took a couple of weeks for them to go down.

24-10-21, 18:58
Thanks for the reply. Was it the nodes by the collarbone do u remember?

24-10-21, 20:10
Similar thing with me and my partner this year.

We’ve both had flu jabs for years without any reactions, however we both had similar reactions to our 2nd covid vaccine.

She was quite ill after the second covid vaccine. High temp and bad body aching for about 2 days.

And I had a sore, swollen armpit (glands I suspect) and felt a bit rundown for a day or so.

That was two months ago, and we had our flu jabs last week resulting in identical symptoms, although not as severe

24-10-21, 21:08
Yes collarbone on same side as she had the jab. Plus under her arm. She'd never had anything like it before but it did settle down.

24-10-21, 21:17
Thank you both do much. That's reassuring. Hopefully it will go away soon!

28-10-21, 14:43
are you sure it is supraclavicular node? Some cervical nodes are very low in the neck, close to collar bone, so it is hard for non-professional to tell the difference. And cervical nodes swell due to miriad of reasons

01-11-21, 10:54
Had this after both covid vaccines, no other symptoms at all. Came precisely 1 week after the first shot & 1 day after the second. Was sore for about 4 days then took 2 weeks after second jab to go back to normal. These lymph nodes drain the upper arm so not strange if they get a bit fired up from a vaccine shot there.

01-11-21, 13:38
Thank you for replying. Mine is getting smaller, gradually, I think. Wish I would have known this was a thing beforehand though. Caused so much worry.

Thanks 😊

01-11-21, 13:52
Also we're your nodes in the collar bone area?

02-11-21, 05:49
Also we're your nodes in the collar bone area?
Yep 1 node (that I could feel) right by the collarbone on the same side as the jab was. Was sore & made that part of my neck feel tight, that's why I noticed it.

03-11-21, 08:15
Got my Moderna 3rd shot 5 days ago. Didn’t do self exam at all. Tonight stupidly felt the chest neck area and there is one node near collarbone on the side of the injected arm swollen, but not tender. Currently little bit worried

05-11-21, 23:31
Oh bloody hell, I've started to worry about this myself now. It's been 3 weeks today since my flu jab, and I still have discomfort in my armpit. I'm not sure how long this lasted when I had the covid vaccine, but surely any discomfort or pain should have gone away by now?