View Full Version : Tingling all over, twitching toes, numbness foot. MS fear

26-10-21, 16:30
Hi everyone,

I’m really getting worried about my symptoms which are getting worse.

I’m 30. I’ve had pains in my legs for about 2/3 months, I then started getting twitching in my right toes which is happening daily multiple times a day.
I’m now having tingling pricking all over my body it’s worse in my left hand and right foot but it’s everywhere, legs, arms, chest, back, neck, face, scalp. My right foot also feels like there’s numbness now.

I’m getting really worried there’s something very wrong, worried about MS or something bad. I’m going to get on to my dr tomorrow who when I last spoke to him he said referring me to a neurologist might be the next step.

Anyone had anything like this? The tingling is constant. This is all making me so anxious.

I know you’re not all drs im just looking to see if anyone else has experienced something like it.

26-10-21, 17:08
Hi I have been experiencing tingling along with other foot symptoms,Freezing then hot for no reason, also had sharp stabbing pains in toes , just something else to worry about. Sorry cant help but can empathise.

26-10-21, 17:13
So sorry to hear that, it’s so terrifying when you have these sorts of symptoms. I’ve tried to stay as calm as possible at the start as I know anxiety can only make things worse but now I’m getting myself quite worked up as the tingling is now everywhere.

I really hope you get to the bottom of yours asap and have your mind put at ease.

26-10-21, 17:15
A lot of this stuff can be caused by anxiety, and then immediately catastrophise and think of worst possible outcome 😟 that's what I do

26-10-21, 17:20
Very much so, it’s scary how physical the symptoms of anxiety can be. My brain always jumps to the worst possible outcome. I’ll make sure I get some tests sorted so I can find out if anything’s going on, if there’s not at least my mind will be more at ease.

26-10-21, 17:37
Stay positive and don't Google (that's my problem)

26-10-21, 18:05
Ye I wish I could say I haven’t already but I have 🙈

26-10-21, 19:31
It's worst thing you can do , it makes the worrying so much worse. It's just basically torturing yourself

26-10-21, 20:59
It really is, but I’ve had anxiety for about 24 years both general and health anxiety I was housebound for 8 years with agoraphobia so during that time I spent many hours googling so unfortunately know a lot of symptoms for different things. Very silly but when you go down that hole sometimes there’s no coming back from what you’ve read it stays with you. I try to stay away from it as much as possible now but have read many things in the past.

27-10-21, 08:34
I've always been anxious and worrier, but have managed to function day to day, just. I understand how debilitating this can be 😟 I have contacted doc for appt today and hopefully someone will speak to me

27-10-21, 23:28
I hope you managed to talk to someone today or will get to soon. I went ahead and booked a private consultant today to get some tests sorted as my gp suggested. Sending you lots of positive vibes, I hope you get to the bottom of it!

28-10-21, 00:01
Thank you, docs seemed completely unconcerned, gave me a thorough going over and Booked in for more blood tests. I hope things go ok with you, positive thoughts.!