View Full Version : hi everyone

11-02-05, 15:26
hi everyone my names karen, glad i found this site, i think it my help, i have been suffering with panic attacks for the last year or so, but not sure how to cope with them so any help with be appreciated, as i feel totally overwhelmed at the time and dont know how to deal with them hence, i end up in tears and non the wiser in how to handle them.[V]

11-02-05, 15:30
hello Karen,

Welcome to the site!! It is normal to get frustrated when suffering from anxiety and panic attacks so don't worry, you are not alone. I hope that we can all help you recover!!

Sarah :D

11-02-05, 15:38
Hi Karen,

A big warm welcome to the site. You will find lots of help and support on here and very useful information.

You are bound to feel overwhelmed don't worry that's only natural. If you haven't read it already go to http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/firststeps.htm that will explain more about what is happening to you.

Take care,


11-02-05, 15:42

We all now how worrying panic attacks are. But the truth is they are just a reaction from our anxiety. Eventually, we get over them, but that takes time.

This site is good as you should be able to relate to many people on this site and how they feel. And get reassurance.

What other help have you been given, whether it be by your GP, specialists or from self help groups etc. ?


11-02-05, 15:50
Hi Karen

Welcome to the forums! I'm quite new to panic attacks but I can tell you that by being here it's helped me a huge amount. It's part of the condition to feel overwhelmed by it all and hopeless too but the good news is that the condition responds very well to treatment. When I say treatment I mean in the conventional sense (like medication, pharmaceutical & homeopathic) and also in the form of counselling - both professionally and also by participating in a place like this.

The forum is filled with experienced, helpful people who understand how you feel - it was a revelation for me to come here and find out all the horrible thoughts and feelings I was having weren't unique to me.

There's no magic bullet cure for PAs but by coming here you'll be able to learn a huge amount and take positive and effective steps towards feeling better. Keep posting, get involved and you can get a lot of information on the parent website too - Meg's First Steps is a really good place to begin.

You've taken a big step forward by coming here and I'm sure it will soon help set you on the road to recovery.

Good luck and good health


11-02-05, 16:19
hi and welcome theres loads of helpful stuff on here so im sure you will soon be feeling better

fan x

11-02-05, 16:23
Hi Karen

There are lots of nice people here
who will hepl and support you.



When you fear something,
learn as munch about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

11-02-05, 18:14
hi karen, welcome to the site

11-02-05, 18:52
Hi Karen,welcome to the site. Everyone here is friendly and have experienced PAs. Im sure we can all help you to feel better.
Jude x

11-02-05, 18:59
thank you all for replying so fast, i hope that it will help, as i am having councelling but not sure if its helping or not, no one there seem to understand how i feel and its nice to know that there are people who are out there who could say " yes i felt like that and i did??" rather than draw a picture of an animal. :) so lets hope that finding this web site may help me get over them or at least cope. its not knowing what to do when you want to go somewhere different but cant stop feeling nervous and cant stop crying. thanks karen

11-02-05, 19:07
hi i think it helps when you feel your not alone with this and others know exactly what your going through and feeling, so hopefully as you read some of the posts you will soon feel much better

fan x

11-02-05, 19:23
Hi Karen,

Welcome to the site.

Take care

11-02-05, 20:18

Welcome to the site.
The people on here are very kind & supportive, & knowing we aren't alone helps a great deal. Everyone on here has been through it one way or another so there is a lot of understanding.

I only joined in November & it has helped me a lot with overcoming the worst of the panic attacks.


11-02-05, 21:53
Hi Karen

Sorry to hear you are suffering with the PA's.

I only started visiting this site a week ago and I've been given loads of sound & helpful advice.

You are among friends with the energy and enthusiasm to help you though this.

Welcome, and I hope you're feeling better soon.


12-02-05, 00:49

So pleased you have found this site and you will get the support you need.

We all know how hard it is and will be here to help you whatever you need and we will understand.

Keep in touch.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

12-02-05, 16:51
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">thank you all for replying so fast, i hope that it will help, as i am having councelling but not sure if its helping or not, no one there seem to understand how i feel and its nice to know that there are people who are out there who could say " yes i felt like that and i did??" rather than draw a picture of an animal. :)
<div align="right">Originally posted by littlen - 11 February 2005 : 18:59:42</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Hi Karen

Welcome to the forum. I am sure you will get loads of help here. I was just wondering about your comment on the counselling as you say "they don't understand you". What sort of counselling is it and is it a group thing?


12-02-05, 19:12
no i didnt get on in the group as there was lots of different people with a number of problems ie bad backs, etc but no one had any anxiety or anything so couldnt relate to anyone as i didnt know how they felt with there problems getting around and things the way they couldnt get that i got in a panic when i did go out, they where a nice group though. so ive gone on to one 2 one councelling with mind, but all she seems tosay is "so you want some one to be able to relate to your problem," which i do as then i could ask for help on how to go about doing things which people and myself( in the past) take for granted. but she doesnt seem to know what to say i just repeat myself week after week and dont seem to get anywhere, last week i felt so bad i didnt even got to see the counceller [:I] i meen whats going on..[B)] karen

12-02-05, 19:39
hi group counselling isnt for every one i know i wouldnt go just for the fact that im not the sort of person who could sit in a room full of strangers , try stick with the one to one that you have and in the mean time read through the other posts on here im sure most of them can relate to your problems in one way or another and might be some help to helping yourself get better

fan x

12-02-05, 19:41

There is no point doing counselling if they don't understand or can't help is there?

You could try the "No Panic" telephone recovery programme - at least they will understand what you are going through.

Alternatively stick around here and we will see if we can help too.
