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View Full Version : Anxiety at Work. Any advice please.

Anna C
16-11-07, 23:06
I wonder if anyone can help. I work full time and suffer from anxiety when at work, one of the symptoms of my anxiety is needing the loo alot. I find this really difficult at work I work in a busy hospital and to get to the toilets, I need to walk past a busy reception area full of patients who I feel are all looking at me. Also there are alot of staff members who I need to walk past add to this having to stand and wait in this busy reception to let beds, wheelchairs etc past me. So as soon as I need the loo I start to panic as I never seem to be able to get from one place to the next without bumping into people, I just want to get there and back quickly with no hassle.

When I start to feel anxious about needing the loo this makes me need to go even more, I know how silly this sounds but I can't help it.
Also does anyone know of any herbal tablets that help with anxiety.
Thanks for any help you can give. Anna :)

17-11-07, 13:21
I think the more rational approach you should take to your anxiety would be to challenge it.

Frequent urinating is a common symptom when it comes to anxiety, and the more you worry the more you'll feel the need to go.

You say "I just want to get there and back quickly with no hassle".. It seem you are trying to escape/avoid that situation.

Have you tried just staying in that situation? practice your breathing, tell yourself you'll be ok...because the more you avoid the busy reception area, the more you'll panic and being at work will become a lot harder.

17-11-07, 17:16
I myself have always hated crowds and now i'm working in a very busy pharmacy where we deal with over 250 patients a day and have so many people walking by and stopping to ask questions.. In all honestly those 8 hours a day are when my anxiety is at its full peak, each day I struggle through and wonder if i can make it the 8 hours without passing out. But everyday i make it and everyday i never passout..

I know it's hard but we can't give up. Stay strong and keep your head up, We can beat this!

30-11-07, 19:07
Don't know if it's worth a try - but maybe try one of the essential oils on a handkerchief and having a sniff of it when you are feeling worried.

Just the action of doing something else might make the panic subside and give you something different to focus on. I am trying it at work when I am speaking to people and I am feeling anxious it gives me something else to think about and hopefully gets rid of the horrible thought before I have said it out loud to someone. (Apart from anything else the smells are nice anyway :)).

The only other thing which I have tried is that bach herbal remedy with mixed results at the moment. Check out the nautral remedies on the left hand side which might be useful.


Anna C
12-12-07, 22:15
Hi, Thanks for your replys, sorry I didn't reply sooner but I haven't been on this site for awhile.
Thank you for your words of encouragement and your advice I will try everything that has been suggested. Anna

18-01-08, 12:10
Hi what you need is to confront this fear. You should not try to avoid this situation. Say to yourself that I can handle this. Why not try this one!
