View Full Version : Bleeding and anal lump

30-10-21, 08:06

I am freaking out big time. This morning my stool was really hard and painful, when I wiped there was blood on the toilet paper but not in the stool. I have also felt a soft lump on the outside of my anus. Sorry too much information, but I am so scared.

I remember having a lump there years ago, like maybe 5 years, it was hard. I thought it was just a pile and ignored it. I have ibs also.

Could this be the same pile flared up now or is it something serious that I’ve left too late.

30-10-21, 11:04
Sounds completely like piles, especially just after a trip to the toilet for a number 2

30-10-21, 12:30
Definitely sounds like a pile to me.

30-10-21, 13:26

30-10-21, 17:57
I don’t know what a pile is but it definitely sounds like a hemorrhoid. I have them and the same happens to me.

30-10-21, 18:09
piles are hemorrhoids

30-10-21, 18:21
Same thing happened to me yesterday. the blood was from me straining as I suffer with constipation, but not piles I agree with what has been said..x