View Full Version : If I had bladder or kidney cancer, would I have worse symptoms by now?

21-09-20, 21:24
Today, when I went to the bathroom, my urine looked VERY dark and very red. It looked just like grapefruit juice. This is the number 1 first sign of bladder and/or kidney cancer. Of course after freaking out, I drank a bunch of water.

2nd time, less dark but still rose colored
3 and 4 were totally clear/normal.

I figured that its possible that it came from the fact that I drank a bottle of pomegranate Aqua Kefir that was colored a very dark red. At first I thought that it was possibly beet juice was used for the coloring. Until I came home from work, found the bottle, and there was no beet juice on the ingredients list..... :( Which means it possibly was blood....

I know its cancer, I just know it....please help me.

21-09-20, 23:21
Today, when I went to the bathroom, my urine looked VERY dark and very red. It looked just like grapefruit juice. This is the number 1 first sign of bladder and/or kidney cancer. Of course after freaking out, I drank a bunch of water.

2nd time, less dark but still rose colored
3 and 4 were totally clear/normal.

I figured that its possible that it came from the fact that I drank a bottle of pomegranate Aqua Kefir that was colored a very dark red. At first I thought that it was possibly beet juice was used for the coloring. Until I came home from work, found the bottle, and there was no beet juice on the ingredients list..... :( Which means it possibly was blood....

I know its cancer, I just know it....please help me.

First you need to stop overthinking you said it yourself 3/4 th drink normal colour, you where probably dehydrated, see how things go over the next day or so, I'm sure you be fine xx

21-09-20, 23:28
I figured that its possible that it came from the fact that I drank a bottle of pomegranate Aqua Kefir that was colored a very dark red.

...Until I came home from work, found the bottle, and there was no beet juice on the ingredients list..... :( Which means it possibly was blood....

So what was added to make the drink so dark red? If it is the GT brand it only contains 10% juice so the dark colour probably didn't come from that. Have you drunk it before?

22-09-20, 01:13
First you need to stop overthinking you said it yourself 3/4 th drink normal colour, you where probably dehydrated, see how things go over the next day or so, I'm sure you be fine xx

If my piss was dark brown, then yes I'd chalk it up to rehydration. But pink/red? Grapefruit colored? To me that sounds like a huge red flag that its something serious.

Why do you believe that red urine is indicitive of dehydration?

22-09-20, 02:10
If you drank red juice, don’t you think it’s plausible the dyes briefly turned it red?

22-09-20, 03:35
I know how scary it is to have a very visible symptom like that and jump right to the worst case scenario. I always do the same. But try and remind yourself that this is a symptom of the health anxiety and the things your mind is telling you is likely not what is really going on. Bladder and kidney cancer are rare. There are other much more common things that can cause blood in your urine (if it even is blood). UTIs, kidney infections and kidney stones can all cause this. I also have had pinkish urine and stool after eating beets. So like you mentioned, that is another possible, much more likely cause. If it persists or you have other problems, by all means make an appointment with your doctor. But even then, chances are that it is something common and treatable like a UTI.

22-09-20, 15:38
Now I have another problem...My urine is normal colored now, but now I feel like I have to pee ALL THE TIME now. I drank a lot of water and cranberry juice last night but I don't think it was an overly excessive amount...Honestly the fact my urine is a normal color now doesn't comfort me at all, as constant urination (as well as blood in urine) could be a symptom of anything a simple UTI to bladder cancer or even prostate cancer. EVERY SINGLE health website is basically telling me I should drop what I'm doing RIGHT NOW and go to the emergency room because of the pink urine I had.

22-09-20, 15:52
Now I have another problem...My urine is normal colored now, but now I feel like I have to pee ALL THE TIME now. I drank a lot of water and cranberry juice last night but I don't think it was an overly excessive amount...Honestly the fact my urine is a normal color now doesn't comfort me at all, as constant urination (as well as blood in urine) could be a symptom of anything a simple UTI to bladder cancer or even prostate cancer. EVERY SINGLE health website is basically telling me I should drop what I'm doing RIGHT NOW and go to the emergency room because of the pink urine I had.

Cause & effect. You had an issue, did something to remedy the issue, you are now experiencing the consequences of that remedy, you then worry about those consequences. Your HA is out of control right now. This is not an emergency especially since your urine is now clear. If you are truly concerned, make an appointment with your doctor.

Best Wishes

22-09-20, 15:55
Anxiety can cause that sort of urgency - I've been there, and to an extend I still am.

Also, stop using Google. If you're really ill it'll make itself obvious soon enough.

22-09-20, 16:20
You need to change your internal dialogue.

You should be saying thing like "Ok, so it could be blood, it may not be, but that doesn't mean I am about to drop dead of cancer. Let's think about what else it could be."

You really need to stop jumping to the worst case scenario.

I have had blood in my urine and it was kidney stones.

22-09-20, 17:53
I know its cancer, I just know it....please help me.

Lol calm down.

You drank red, you pee'd red. End of story.

23-09-20, 14:46
If my piss was dark brown, then yes I'd chalk it up to rehydration. But pink/red? Grapefruit colored? To me that sounds like a huge red flag that its something serious.

Why do you believe that red urine is indicitive of dehydration?

Why do you seem hostile to me, l took time to answer you then you question what l have said, so okay its cancer is that the answer you wanted, l don't like your attitude to me its rude

25-09-20, 20:54
Why do you seem hostile to me, l took time to answer you then you question what l have said, so okay its cancer is that the answer you wanted, l don't like your attitude to me its rude

I didn't mean to be rude. All I was trying to ask is how do you know that having urine that was reddish is linked to dehydration?

25-09-20, 23:18
I didn't mean to be rude. All I was trying to ask is how do you know that having urine that was reddish is linked to dehydration?

Okay maybe l was being abit sensitive, l appreciate your reply, the reason l said this l work in a nursing home you be surprised the colours of wee l see, and most common is not drinking enough fluids, but l hope you are okay

take care xx

28-09-20, 01:15
Even though I only had the pink urine once, I cant help but think something else is going on here. I keep having some gastro symptoms every so often, and I cant help but believe that I have some kind of mestatic cancer....I feel like Im dying :(

28-09-20, 05:45
You have anxiety, that's all.

28-09-20, 22:12
UTI test came back negative. I still have lower back pain and the urge to pee all the time. Now I'm totally convinced I have cancer.

29-09-20, 02:33
Did they test for blood in your urine while testing for the UTI? I’ve had kidney stones that have caused lower back pain and blood tinged urine. It doesn’t necessarily have to be bladder cancer, there are many, many other far more likely causes.

29-09-20, 03:10
You’re hyper focused on it since you had dye stained urine. Now you notice every twinge, ache and urge. It’s anxiety.

08-10-20, 01:04
Im going to see a dr. tomorrow.

I went on cipro, and after a few days my symptoms cleared up so I stopped taking it. And just a few days later this afternoon, I started having pains in my lower abdomen again, and when I urinated in the shower when I was getting ready for work and I couldn't tell the exact color because I wasn't wearing my glasses, but it looked dark. REALLY dark. And when I went to the bathroom again at work, it was lighter but it had a slight brownish tinge, almost tan-colored...Now it seems like my UTI symptoms are back :P

08-10-20, 11:57
I went on cipro, and after a few days my symptoms cleared up so I stopped taking it.

So you didn't finish the course of medication and your symptoms returned? Go figure!

Positive thoughts

08-10-20, 23:12
So I went to the dr today and I told him what was happening. They made me take a urine test and it came back negative for a UTI. My urine did have very trace amounts of blood in it though...I asked him about renal cancer and he right away said there was no chance it's that simply due to my age alone...They want to do a STD culture for chlamydia, and he told me to follow up with a urologist.

I just left so much more confused...I feel like if I was having a kidney stone, I'd be having worse pain than I am now. All I can think this can be is cancer :(

09-10-20, 15:35
All I can think this can be is cancer :(

You've been told it isn't so this thought is just a thought. Challenge it with what your doctor has told you.

Best Wishes

09-10-20, 15:41
So I went to the dr today and I told him what was happening. They made me take a urine test and it came back negative for a UTI. My urine did have very trace amounts of blood in it though...I asked him about renal cancer and he right away said there was no chance it's that simply due to my age alone...They want to do a STD culture for chlamydia, and he told me to follow up with a urologist.

I just left so much more confused...I feel like if I was having a kidney stone, I'd be having worse pain than I am now. All I can think this can be is cancer :(

Hi NervousSubject. I don't have much to add that others haven't said, but my urine always shows up trace blood. Some people just do and it doesn't mean anything! Hopefully this could help you to relax.

10-10-20, 10:23
Yep my pee tests have shown traces of blood but the doc said nothing their to worry about.:yesyes:

10-10-20, 12:19
I didn't get pain with my kidney stones - didn't even know I had them.

It is not cancer - like many others I get traces of blood all the time in urine samples.

11-10-20, 01:04
I didn't get pain with my kidney stones - didn't even know I had them.

It is not cancer - like many others I get traces of blood all the time in urine samples.

But two weeks ago, my urine was very pink. As I said then, my urine looked like grapefruit juice, then rose wine, and then clear. But then came the UTI symptoms, and with the dip stick test becoming negative, it seems like the only two possibilities are kidney stones, or kidney/bladder cancer...And kidney stones have more pain than what Im in...I can't stop thinking that its cancer...

And now Im wondering if this is another type of cancer that metastasized to the bladder like pancreatic cancer or colon cancer...

Even though the Dr said I'm too young for cancer like that, he wasn't any specialist, he was a walk-in clinic doctor....And look at poor Chadwick Boseman...He was only 39 when he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer...

Is there anyone on this board that has experience with bladder cancer or kidney cancer? Do I have a reason to be concerned with my symptoms?

11-10-20, 04:00
But two weeks ago, my urine was very pink. As I said then, my urine looked like grapefruit juice, then rose wine, and then clear. But then came the UTI symptoms, and with the dip stick test becoming negative, it seems like the only two possibilities are kidney stones, or kidney/bladder cancer...And kidney stones have more pain than what Im in...I can't stop thinking that its cancer...

And now Im wondering if this is another type of cancer that metastasized to the bladder like pancreatic cancer or colon cancer...

Even though the Dr said I'm too young for cancer like that, he wasn't any specialist, he was a walk-in clinic doctor....And look at poor Chadwick Boseman...He was only 39 when he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer...

Is there anyone on this board that has experience with bladder cancer or kidney cancer? Do I have a reason to be concerned with my symptoms?

My friends dad has kidney cancer. He started to have weight just fall off of him and he looked terrible. He didn't know he was sick until he could no longer eat or do anything other than sleep.

17-10-20, 15:41
Okay, so my symptoms went away again with Cipro, but my round is almost up and I'm terrified to get off it because what if the symptoms come back? What if there is something else causing a recurring UTI? Could it be cancer? Could it be kidney stones?

17-10-20, 22:30
Could it be cancer? Could it be kidney stones?

Could it just be a UTI that you've treated? :shrug:

Positive thoughts

18-10-20, 15:41
I dont know if this is a physical manifestation of anxiety over other things going on in the world, but part of me feels like my symptoms are coming back, even though Im on the cipro :( I've pretty much acccepted that I have cancer.

18-10-20, 15:58
Why are you so negative?

18-10-20, 16:18
Why are you so negative?

Because Im sick and tired of everyone, including my own mother, gaslighting me into thinking that theres nothing wrong with me when there clearly is. How the hell can someone gaslight away an actual PICTURE OF ME HAVING PINK URINE?! I've read stories of people as young as 20 having bladder cancer and visible blood and UTI symptoms is how it started for them!

18-10-20, 16:31
Ok you have cancer - best get it sorted then :wall:

18-10-20, 16:47
I just looked back at your posts and you have had cancer since April 2019 so don't you think it would be pretty advanced by now?

19-10-20, 15:30
I just looked back at your posts and you have had cancer since April 2019 so don't you think it would be pretty advanced by now?

This time, I actually had a physical symptom that there is no way it's psychosomatic. There is no way that pink urine is normal.

19-10-20, 15:36
So how many times have you had it pink then?

I didn't say it wasn't normal, I am saying there are reasons other than cancer for it.

19-10-20, 15:41
So how many times have you had it pink then?

I didn't say it wasn't normal, I am saying there are reasons other than cancer for it.

It was pink once, then normal. Then I had brown urine two weeks later, then it was normal.

19-10-20, 16:00
So how can it be cancer if you had just one episode?

I had two with my kidney stones.

19-10-20, 16:42
It was pink once, then normal. Then I had brown urine two weeks later, then it was normal.

So no matter what anyone says you are adamant you have cancer, well here are some facts cancer doesn't come and go it gets worse and worse so please tell what other symptoms or proof you have, l have lost too many people to this awful awful illness believe me they weren't sat wasting time over it you are poorly but look deeper its not Cancer xx

19-10-20, 16:56
So no matter what anyone says you are adamant you have cancer, well here are some facts cancer doesn't come and go it gets worse and worse so please tell what other symptoms or proof you have, l have lost too many people to this awful awful illness believe me they weren't sat wasting time over it you are poorly but look deeper its not Cancer xx

From what I've read though, bladder cancer symptoms are persistent, but not constant. Which means they come and go. Even though it seems I got better when on cipro, it might have just been the placebo effect and the meds didn't actually do anything. It could have been entirely coincidental that my symptoms subsided with cipro.

I have a urologist appointment in 9 days, and I'm honestly terrified on what they're gonna find.

19-10-20, 17:12
They won't find anything like cancer - why can't you see that and you will be putting yourself through a cystoscopy most likely.

19-10-20, 22:37
From what I've read though, bladder cancer symptoms are persistent, but not constant. Which means they come and go. Even though it seems I got better when on cipro, it might have just been the placebo effect and the meds didn't actually do anything. It could have been entirely coincidental that my symptoms subsided with cipro.

I have a urologist appointment in 9 days, and I'm honestly terrified on what they're gonna find.

I wish you luck honestly but I'm sure you will be fine, you really need to take a look back at your threads and ask yourself what is the real issue you have l think you already know the answer, but until you start to realise the bigger picture you will keep going around this viscous circle take care and start to believe what people are saying xx

23-10-20, 13:22
Ok Im spiraling now...I've been also having some bad smelling BMs which is normally because of malabsorption of nutrients and can be a sign of other types of cancer like colon cancer or pancreatic cancer....Im terrified that I might have one of those cancers and it spread to my bladder or kidneys.....DAMN IT I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE WENT TO THE ER A MONTH AGO WHEN I FIRST HAD BLOOD

23-10-20, 13:35
You are over-reacting as usual.

What tests are you waiting on having?

23-10-20, 13:45
You are over-reacting as usual.

What tests are you waiting on having?

Honestly I'm hoping they're gonna do an ultrasound

23-10-20, 13:54
You may not need one though. When is the appointment?

23-10-20, 16:55
You may not need one though. When is the appointment?

The 28th

23-10-20, 17:04
Long time to wait but don't stress out ok. You haven't had any blood since but what you are now doing is "looking" for more proof you have cancer.

23-10-20, 22:40
Long time to wait but don't stress out ok. You haven't had any blood since but what you are now doing is "looking" for more proof you have cancer.

True, no more blood, but I'm still having lower back aches that radiates to my upper back....I feel like I have a gas pocket in the middle of my torso sometimes...Again, all I can think of is that this is some kind of cancer that is in my bladder or kidneys...But Im scared that it originated from my pancreas or my colon and that I'm already at stage IV :(

24-10-20, 11:20
Do you not think you would be really ill if you were about to drop dead?

As I said before you have believed you have cancer for years now.

Get on with living not waiting to die

29-10-20, 14:18
Ok so an update...I went to the urologist and he didn't seem very concerned that my symptoms were indicitive of cancer, but he still wanted me to go through a CT scan or a cystoscopy mostly for peace of mind. My main symptom is mostly lower back pain on the left side of my back.

Unlike last time at the walk-in clinic, my urine dip stick test came back normal. No trace amounts of blood, no sugar, no protein, which is a bit reassuring as I read that people with cancer tend to have high levels of protein in their urine. They sent the sample out for a cytology to find any malignancies, and I'm hoping and praying everything is normal.

29-10-20, 15:30
So do you believe now that you don't have cancer?

29-10-20, 15:33
And I'm sure it will come back fine that's good your doctor wasn't concerned so take something from this xx take care

29-10-20, 16:42
And I'm sure it will come back fine that's good your doctor wasn't concerned so take something from this xx take care

Unfortunately, cytology isn't the end-all be all but it's a good sign if it's negative

30-10-20, 12:32
So my cytology came back negative for any unusual cells and malignancies, which is a good sign.

08-11-20, 18:08
I ended up having to postpone my CT scan that was supposed to be on Thursday....Now that I heard the news that Alex Trebek lost his battle to pancreatic cancer, I'm so scared that I doomed myself by waiting....I should have gone to the hospital on September 21st when the blood in my urine happened. My symptoms aren't that severe, but they still come and go. Sometimes its lower back pain, sometimes its pain right in between my shoulder blades. And then I broke out in hives on election day, which I'm scared was related to whatever caused the blood in my urine and my lower back pain...I can't help but feel like I have cancer and it spread to other organs.

I know my Cytology came back negative, but that test has a high failure rate :(

08-11-20, 21:50
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company...a church....a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude...I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our attitudes.”

― Charles Swindoll


09-11-20, 06:59
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company...a church....a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude...I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our attitudes.”

― Charles Swindoll


Yes yes YES FMP!! :yesyes:

Everybody on this forum should get this printed out and stuck on their fridge, face, wherever because attitude is everything!!

09-11-20, 12:45
why did you cancel it?

17-11-20, 15:42
why did you cancel it?

Because I broke out in hives on election day, I needed to get a PCR covid test before the scan, and those can take a few days to proceess. There wasn't enough time.

Anyway, I for the most part am feeling okay now. I don't have a lot of persistent lower back pain like I did a month ago, but theres still a part of me that wants to investigate why I had blood in my urine in the first place. Theres no way that it's normal to have urine the color of grapefruit juice, and can be a sign of a serious medical problem.

17-11-20, 16:05
Because I broke out in hives on election day, I needed to get a PCR covid test before the scan, and those can take a few days to proceess. There wasn't enough time.

Anyway, I for the most part am feeling okay now. I don't have a lot of persistent lower back pain like I did a month ago, but theres still a part of me that wants to investigate why I had blood in my urine in the first place. Theres no way that it's normal to have urine the color of grapefruit juice, and can be a sign of a serious medical problem.

So if you feel okay now what's that telling you its not cancer so why are you still worrying about it try focusing on your real issue here as you are not taking it on board what everyone is saying to you take care xx

11-09-21, 20:53
Well it's been around a year, so far I haven't had any more blood in my urine and so far, every single urine dip stick test that I've had since then have come back totally normal. To my knowlegde, I haven't been losing an exponential amount of weight so I'm guessing I should be in the clear, but every so often I do feel tiny twinges in my bladder area that make me feel like it's happening again...But so far, every single time I peed, it was some variation of yellow like it's supposed to be. I want to believe I'm in the clear, but this is just an albatross thats across my neck that I just cant get rid of....

30-10-21, 20:16
Its now been 13 months since I had blood in my urine...I still have no idea what exactly caused it. I want to think that it's because I was so scared of dying of a heart attack, I was taking lots of baby aspirin every night, like 3 pills....All I know is that every single time I went to the bathroom since, it's been some variation of yellow like it normally should and all my subsequent dipstick tests have come back negative for invisible hematuria or protien. The negative cytology should have put my mind at ease but all I can think about is the rate of false negatives in early cancer detection....I'm so scared I'm one of those false negatives and I DO have bladder cancer. The only things reassuring me at this point is that I lack most of the red flag symptoms of cancer (unexplained weight loss, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite)...but nothing can change the fact that it still happened.

Im scared if I go to the doctor, I'm going to be coming out of it with a stage 4 cancer diagnosis :(

30-10-21, 23:45
I wouldn't focus on this so much as getting help for the HA? Are you doing that as well?

30-10-21, 23:46

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

31-10-21, 00:19
I just dont know anymore, part of me thinks that I'm fine because I havent displayed any of the red flag symptoms of cancer...but theres still that part of me that still thinks that theres something wrong, epecially when I feel the some kind of twinge in my lower back/pelvic region.

31-10-21, 00:34
You have to move on to be honest and you didn't answer my question.

31-10-21, 03:31
You have to move on to be honest and you didn't answer my question.

It would be easier to write it off as health anxiety if I didn't have a very real and very scary symptom a year ago

31-10-21, 09:34
Yes a YEAR ago and not now.