View Full Version : Right side neck pain and ear feels blocked

30-10-21, 21:12
Good evening. Haven't been on here for a while, wasn't doing too bad but these past couple of days I am freaking out. Been to a doc 2 weeks ago as I had some pressure feeling in my right ear and neck pain. Doctor said I had wax in my ear and it needed removal, I haven't removed it yet. Now besides the fullness/ pressure which goes away when I take Advil, I have pain at the base of my skull, on the right which shoots to the ear sometimes. Doctor had told me that my neck muscles.arw.stiff, but I just can remove the idea of me having a tumour and dying shortly. Just wanted to ask if anyone experienced this before. Thanks for any input.

30-10-21, 23:44
Doesn't sound like a tumour but why not get the ear wax sorted?

31-10-21, 11:34
Thanks for your kind words. Trying to stay calm and control myself, even though I'm finding it hard. Thanks again.

09-01-22, 23:36
Following up on this. Did you get it sorted out? I’m having the same issue on my left side

10-01-22, 22:15
It could be a stiff neck or be related to eustachian tube issues, which is usually what causes ear infections. All kinds of things can mess with that, usually it’s just something like a cold.

02-02-22, 11:13
Following up on this. Did you get it sorted out? I’m having the same issue on my left side

I am still experiencing same issues and I am very anxious about it, should go to an ENT next week.

27-02-22, 17:32
Good evening. Did blood tests, which turned out ok and doctor gave me some muscle relaxants/depression pills and that did the trick regarding my ear.