View Full Version : Left side joint pain

01-11-21, 13:13
I have had left side joint pain with percieved weakness and twitching for about a month now....
The joint pain is in my left hip, knee, wrist, shoulder and neck....
I'm really worried what this may be....
Please help

01-11-21, 13:20
I have had left side joint pain with percieved weakness and twitching for about a month now....
The joint pain is in my left hip, knee, wrist, shoulder and neck....
I'm really worried what this may be....

It's not (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?232384-ALS-and-why-you-DON-T-have-it!) :lac:


01-11-21, 13:23
Thanks but Not worried about Als but the other thing😔
I also have left chest pain as well

03-11-21, 00:58
What other thing?

03-11-21, 20:39
Hey there :)

I think you commented on my thread a couple of days ago. Just wanted to check in and ask how you're doing? One sided pain and sensations are difficult to ignore, and I know how scary it can be.

Could you describe the kind of pain it is? Like, does it feel like achy joint pain, or sharp nerve pain? Does it always happen in exactly the same places on the left side? Are the twitches in different areas or do they stick to one concentrated part? How long have you had it?

I have on and off left sided pain a lot, and according to my doctor, it can actually be from an oversensitivity to food/stress/and environment in combination. I wasn't convinced since it was all concentrated to one side, but he told me he has encountered patients who have had symptoms manifest on one side only, who didn't have any of the big scary diseases, just chronic inflammation that needed to be addressed. This was an actual qualified medical doctor who specialised in functional medicine (basically getting to the root of an illness and treating the cause instead of the symptoms). To me it sounded a bit vague, but when I started following the diet they gave me, I definitely felt improvements in my pain.

You also might be feeling it more on one side because you're subconsciously aware of it, and your body might naturally be more "aware" on that side. In my case, when I get inflammation from certain foods, it starts in my left hand, right in the finger joints. Not too long after that, the entire left side of my body flares up with pain in the joints. The doctor explained that inflammation can really mess with your senses and for some, it can be one sided.

Another cause could be muscular. One area might be genuinely tender, from wear and tear while the rest of the body tenses up "guards" that area on side side, causing more widespread pain.

One thing I'm trying is keeping a food diary....well, an everything diary. I add in foods I've eaten, activities I've done, sleep, hydration, my emotional state, and general health thoughts, day by day. Along with that, I add in what symptoms I feel, when I feel them, and their intensity. I take note of when they get better/worse. It idea is to slowly build up a collection of data to see if there's a pattern. For example, I get excruciating migraines. I found out they are infinitely worse when I've eaten cheese, overslept AND was out in the sun too long. Those three things seperately wouldn't have caused too much of an issue, but together = huge migraine.

See if you can try to keep a diary of the symptoms, along with any of your regular food/sleep/hydration/mood etc, and you might find a cause you can easily address :) And anxiety can most certainly trigger the stuff I talked about too. It could very well just be a product of stress!

Obviously, I'm no doctor, and it's always a good idea to get a general check up if you're concerned. If you've been to your GP and they've run general checks to rule out larger causes, it might be worth giving the diary thing a try. At the vert least, it could give you some valuable information that you can bring to your doctor next time you see them:)

Let me know how you get on!

04-11-21, 10:47
Thanks for the replies very much .
My symptoms seem to be :
* On and off left side joint pain in shoulder , hip, knee , ankle and wrist
* left side weakness
* Arms going to sleep at night
* Blurry vision that gets better as day goes on
* Left eye pain
* bowel problems and frequent urination
* fatigue
* muscle cramps in legs...mainly at night
* weirdest one is hand cramps while eating certain foods....mainly certain tortilla chips
Etc etc

04-11-21, 12:34
What other thing?



04-11-21, 15:40
The other neurological disease....
I don't like declaring anything

04-11-21, 16:13
You know that by not mentioning it you're only giving it greater power in your head, right? This sort of magical thinking is only going to deepen your anxiety.

Regardless of what is or isn't wrong with you, you have an anxiety problem and it would be a lot better for you if you recovered from it.

05-11-21, 19:53
I also have ringing in ears off and on....
Anxiety just doesn't happen on one side of body.....

05-11-21, 21:13
We don't know what you are worried about but so why don't you get some help?

05-11-21, 21:39
I also have ringing in ears off and on....
Anxiety just doesn't happen on one side of body.....

Anxiety can amplify how you're feeling though. It can definitely cause things on one side of the body too. Functional neurological disorder is a real thing, and it can be directly caused by stress and anxiety. Basically, your brain is prone to perceive things a certain way due to experiencing intense anxiety, trauma, or even nutritional issues. Many people who have FND experience a sudden disappearance of their symptoms once they find out there's no physical cause behind them.

Have you spoken to your doctor about any of these symptoms?

05-11-21, 21:56
I had blood work done 6 weeks ago and it was normal.....
I thought I had diabetes but didn't
I still have frequent urination , bowl issues and all the before mentioned symptoms all left side
Even my left eye and throat hurt...

05-11-21, 22:15
I had blood work done 6 weeks ago and it was normal.....
I thought I had diabetes but didn't
I still have frequent urination , bowl issues and all the before mentioned symptoms all left side
Even my left eye and throat hurt...

Sounds like a really rough time for you :(

I'm not sure what specific illness you're concerned about, but any of the really big scary ones would be super unlikely to cause THAT many symptoms, all of different varieties, all on one side in so many different areas.

The fact your bloodwork came back normal is good too.

The digestive issues, frequent urination etc can 100% be from stress.

I know it might sound like the same old tired response, but have you been to a doctor or therapist about the levels of anxiety you're feeling?

In the meantime try to give the journal thing I mentioned a try. It might really help :)

05-11-21, 22:41
Thanks WorryRaptor,
I'm really worried about MS
I've been in pain so many years
I don't want to Google but read about it on the forums here.....
I did have an mri 20 years ago that was normal....don't know if that means anything or not.....
I'm very scared😞

07-11-21, 20:00

07-11-21, 20:06

Hi! :byebye: :D

You don't have MS BC. I don't doubt you're experiencing symptoms but I truly don't believe, based on your post history, its remotely sinister. If it were, you wouldn't be here seeking reassurance. If indeed you feel that something is seriously wrong, then by all means see your doctor. Let us know what they say.


07-11-21, 20:20
Thanks FMP ,
You know my symptom history over the years so with the left side pain, twitching, weakness it ties in all the previous symptoms.....
Now it seems today I have drop foot to some extent where my foot sometimes doesn't lift and drags the ground when walking as if I can't feel it
I've also had blurry up close vision and frequent urination for the past 3 years among the other left sided symptoms mentioned in this post which I thought was diabetes but wasn't.

07-11-21, 20:34
Thanks FMP ,
You know my symptom history over the years so with the left side pain, twitching, weakness it ties in all the previous symptoms.....
Now it seems today I have drop foot to some extent where my foot sometimes doesn't lift and drags the ground when walking as if I can't feel it
I've also had blurry up close vision and frequent urination for the past 3 years among the other left sided symptoms mentioned in this post which I thought was diabetes but wasn't.

You're hyper-focusing on every niggle which you're done for years, which is typical HA. Like I said, if you're that concerned, see your doctor. There's really nothing that can be said otherwise :shrug:


09-11-21, 21:40
Sorry to reply to this so late.

Have you written every symptom down and handed it to your doctor? Sometimes if we go in with a random symptoms here and there, the doctor won't have a larger picture to work from, and will investigate things one by one. According to one of my doctors, having everything all written down for the appointment helped them to gather more details about my problem than if I'd tried to convey it all in the appointment.

If all of these symptoms happen as a combination, write them all down and give them to your doctor. They're the professionals who will be able to see a pattern, if there is one, and I'm not saying there is. If indeed there is a pattern to it all, it's so much more likely to be something easily addressed :)

All I can say is that the symptoms you've listed, and the nature in which they happen really don't sound like any of the big sinister illnesses. The functional neurological disorder (totally benign) I mentioned previously can present a lot like MS. In fact, lots of harmless issues can mimic the symptoms too.

It can be easy to connect dots that really are not there. I had lots of symptoms of MS, even down to showing actual clinical signs that actually warranted investigation. I was sure I had it. But everything came back clean. Turns out lots of my symptoms were caused by low grade, chronic inflammation that would come and go in waves. Addressing the inflammation is something I'm working on at the moment, and I'm definitely feeling improvements. Your own symptoms could be something simple like this too.

There's no harm in going to your GP with these concerns. They will know what's best for you, and hopefully help you get to the bottom of why you're feeling like this.

I know it's scary, especially when you're feeling real symptoms, as they certainly don't help with anxiety levels. Sending supportive hugs your way. :hugs:

21-11-21, 01:37
Sorry to reply to this so late.

Have you written every symptom down and handed it to your doctor? Sometimes if we go in with a random symptoms here and there, the doctor won't have a larger picture to work from, and will investigate things one by one. According to one of my doctors, having everything all written down for the appointment helped them to gather more details about my problem than if I'd tried to convey it all in the appointment.

If all of these symptoms happen as a combination, write them all down and give them to your doctor. They're the professionals who will be able to see a pattern, if there is one, and I'm not saying there is. If indeed there is a pattern to it all, it's so much more likely to be something easily addressed :)

All I can say is that the symptoms you've listed, and the nature in which they happen really don't sound like any of the big sinister illnesses. The functional neurological disorder (totally benign) I mentioned previously can present a lot like MS. In fact, lots of harmless issues can mimic the symptoms too.

It can be easy to connect dots that really are not there. I had lots of symptoms of MS, even down to showing actual clinical signs that actually warranted investigation. I was sure I had it. But everything came back clean. Turns out lots of my symptoms were caused by low grade, chronic inflammation that would come and go in waves. Addressing the inflammation is something I'm working on at the moment, and I'm definitely feeling improvements. Your own symptoms could be something simple like this too.

There's no harm in going to your GP with these concerns. They will know what's best for you, and hopefully help you get to the bottom of why you're feeling like this.

I know it's scary, especially when you're feeling real symptoms, as they certainly don't help with anxiety levels. Sending supportive hugs your way. :hugs:

Thanks what big sinister illnesses were you referring too.....thanks

25-11-21, 10:07
Thanks what big sinister illnesses were you referring too.....thanks I just meant the ones you had mentioned before :)

Has your doctor ever examined you for a pinched nerve? Sometimes issues with the back or neck can cause a lot of weird symptoms.

27-11-21, 13:14
I also wake up with both arms asleep and tingling.....with ringing in both ears

27-11-21, 17:24
I also wake up with both arms asleep and tingling.....with ringing in both ears

I think it would be a good idea to visit your doctor. You might have a pinched nerve or neck tension (it can cause a lot of ear trouble too) which they can definitely help you with :)

29-11-21, 11:32
Thanks WorryRaptor,
I'm unlike everyone else.....
My symptoms seem to not come and go but are getting worse
It's funny how so many people on this forum worry about a little twitch here and there etc....
I don't see how a pinched nerve causes left side pain and twitching from ankle to neck
For me I'm having a hard time walking with my ankle and hip....it's like I'm losing control of my own body.....

29-11-21, 11:53
Everyone with health anxiety thinks they're unlike anyone else - I know I did.

30-11-21, 11:44
Thanks WorryRaptor,
I'm unlike everyone else.....
My symptoms seem to not come and go but are getting worse
It's funny how so many people on this forum worry about a little twitch here and there etc....
I don't see how a pinched nerve causes left side pain and twitching from ankle to neck
For me I'm having a hard time walking with my ankle and hip....it's like I'm losing control of my own body.....

Ah sorry I meant the pinched nerve for your arms tingling. If you're having simultaneous symptoms all down one side, and having issues walking at the same time, and its getting worse, I do think you need to raise this with your doctor. If it is impacting your quality of life this much, then it's a good idea to get them to look further into it for you.

I'm going through some pretty awful one sided symptoms at the moment, so I understand how terrible and scary it feels. Reading other posts where people have transient and mild symptoms can feel all the more isolating when you feel like your own issues are just getting progressively worse, but it doesn't always mean it's going to be the worst thing.

01-12-21, 15:42
I do not know if this array of so many symptoms is a good thing or bad....
I also noticed my left eye/left side nose , left side of my chest and throat hurts a little off and on also
Very worried ��

01-12-21, 22:27
I also get shock pains in my left shoulder but not when I bend my head down though....everything points to one thing only....I always was hoping it was anxiety....

01-12-21, 23:14
Go and see your doctor and get an answer

02-12-21, 12:19
Now I'm worried about the big nasties.....please God help me

02-12-21, 12:22
I also get shock pains in my left shoulder but not when I bend my head down though....everything points to one thing only....I always was hoping it was anxiety....

It's easy to feel like everything points towards one thing, but neurological issues have thousands of causes, and a lot of the symptoms overlap. It's best to talk to your doctor. List EVERYTHING down, as there are a lot of symptoms you mentioned, and it will help them to get a better idea of what to look into.

I know you're concerned about one disease in particular, but that is notorious for having symptoms that are the same as other causes. So many people think they have that disease, people with complete numbness and loss of function in whole limbs, for weeks on end, yet it turns out to be something completely different. Some of these causes could be low b12, irritated nerves, spine alignment, lots of benign causes.

The best thing you can do is get your doctor to look into this for you.

02-12-21, 17:53
Thanks WorryRaptor you seem to put my mind a little more at ease...
I saw a MS ad on Facebook that mentioned you can have a nice life with MS showing a guy in a wheelchair with a big smile on his face.....
I don't look at handicap parking spaces or wheelchairs the same anymore.....
I'm very terrified ��

02-12-21, 21:58
Thanks WorryRaptor you seem to put my mind a little more at ease...
I saw a MS ad on Facebook that mentioned you can have a nice life with MS showing a guy in a wheelchair with a big smile on his face.....
I don't look at handicap parking spaces or wheelchairs the same anymore.....
I'm very terrified ��

but have you reached out to your doctor to discuss your fears?

03-12-21, 19:23
Thanks WorryRaptor you seem to put my mind a little more at ease...
I saw a MS ad on Facebook that mentioned you can have a nice life with MS showing a guy in a wheelchair with a big smile on his face.....
I don't look at handicap parking spaces or wheelchairs the same anymore.....
I'm very terrified ��

Try not to jump to the worst case scenario just yet (I know it's difficult not to!)
Also, with MS, you don't always end up in a chair with it. In fact, many, many people live long healthy lives with it, and they don't end up in a wheelchair. My friends mum and great aunt both have MS, and one is in her late 70's, marching around with more energy than I could ever hope to have! The other is doing just fine too, and apart from an occasional blip, and some dips in energy, she's also living a very normal life. Now, I'm not suggesting you have it, not by a long shot, but MS is not something that immediately dooms you to a lifetime of misery.

Let us know how you get on with your doctor. Sending hugs of support your way! :hugs:

04-12-21, 00:34
My left foot is hard to feel sometimes and feels very heavy....

04-12-21, 00:58
My left foot is hard to feel sometimes and feels very heavy....

This thread is a month old. When do you see your doctor? Let us know what they say.


05-12-21, 18:42
Thanks again WorryRaptor
I have some questions for everyone on these boards....
Why are so many people on here worried about MS then ?
Has there been great improvements in treatment of MS ?
Is there a cure in the future ?
Why isn't anyone on here afraid of Parkinsons ?
A friend said Parkinsons will have a cure in 10 years

06-12-21, 20:42
Thanks again WorryRaptor
I have some questions for everyone on these boards....
Why are so many people on here worried about MS then ?
Has there been great improvements in treatment of MS ?
Is there a cure in the future ?
Why isn't anyone on here afraid of Parkinsons ?
A friend said Parkinsons will have a cure in 10 years

I can't speak for everyone, but my guess is that MS has a pretty wide net of vague symptoms, so more people will experience them, and quickly jump to the conclusion that it's MS (when it isn't)
There are disease modifying drugs for MS which can dramatically slow the progression, and at the same time, lifestyle changes can help towards slowing or for some, preventing any more relapses. There is a LOT of research going into diseases like MS, and with research comes more information, and a better understanding of how to slow/prevent progression and get closer to finding a cure.

16-12-21, 16:34
I now noticed I have a large dent in my left front thigh muscle.....please help

17-12-21, 16:03
I now noticed I have a large dent in my left front thigh muscle.....please help

Have you been to see your doctor yet? Unfortunately none of us are medical professionals and we can only draw from our own personal experiences. I know it can be so scary to feel symptoms that make no sense, but your doctor will be able to give you advice and hopefully put your mind at ease.

Lots of people have random dents in their limbs and muscles and it can be completely normal :)

21-12-21, 20:05
I know you guys arent doctors and cannot give me a doctors opinion but please give me your best guess or hunch as to what is causing all of these symptoms at one time on left side list of my symptoms
All left side....
***Blurry vision in morning that gets a little better as day goes on sometimes
***very strong electric shock feeling in left shoulder and arm sometimes
***Weird numb/painful left throat sensation
I cough and choke on small particles....sometimes
***painful weak left shoulder....hurts to move or raise above my head
***painful full left breast area
***painful left groin thigh area
***left knee and front ankle pain and weakness...feels like I cannot control my foot
***constant ringing in ear
***very dry skin over my whole body
***frequent urination once or twice an hour
***excessive drooling when I tilt my head left...mainly when lying in bed awake
***lots of twitching , pins and needles off and on mostly left side