View Full Version : Another HA case for you all...

17-11-07, 02:16
Hi all, I'm a 27 year old bloke, and I get health anxiety really badly. I've been lurking on this site for a while, but there are just so many posts that could have come straight from my own head that I thought it was about time I joined in.

I suppose I'm fortunate in that a few other members of my family get HA as well, so when it's really getting on top of me I've got someone to call and talk to about my latest worries, but even so it's nice to be among so many people with fellow feeling because I very rarely bring it up elsewhere. Occasionally when the pub conversation gets round to what people are afraid of I'll mention something about being 'a bit of a hypochondriac' and then quickly change the subject, because to be honest I feel guilty about it - I know that there are many, many people who are really ill and who deal with it much more stoically than I deal with my neuroses.

I hate it though, the fact that worries about my health just seem to switch off all the rational areas of my brain and send me into panic mode. Some of the time I can control it, but then every so often I'll notice some lump somewhere on my body that I haven't encountered before, or have a headache that goes on a bit too long, or even just read about the symptoms of something particularly nasty in the paper, and suddenly this horrible feeling of impending doom just rises up and takes over my mind, and then I can't think about ANYTHING ELSE for weeks on end. It's made me nervous just typing that. Hate it.

Anyway. Glad to be here.

funky chick
17-11-07, 02:27
Hi and :welcome: Farrel to NMP xx:hugs:

17-11-07, 09:26
Hi Farrell

and welcome to the site :D I have ha as well so i totally know where you are coming from,

anx x

17-11-07, 11:16

17-11-07, 11:25
Hello Farrel,

Welcome to NMP. You will get loads of advice and make friends.
Hope to see you around.

17-11-07, 12:16
Hi farrel

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:smile:


17-11-07, 12:34
Hello Farrel:welcome: to you!

Glad you're here too - because you'll get plenty of help and support from people in the same situation as yourself.

You won't regret joining - I certainly don't !!


17-11-07, 13:02
Hi Farrel,

A big warm welcome to you from another health anxiety sufferer. xx

Pink Princess
17-11-07, 17:14

welcome to no more panic xx

take kare xxxxxxx

17-11-07, 18:27
Try this:

Get a note pad or a peice of paper and sit down for a few mins and write down every symptom you had that scared the heck out of you and made your anxiety shoot up high in the past 6 months..

If your anything like me your list will be huge and you'll sit there in shock looking at that long list! You may even laugh and say "wow".

So sit down and make a list of all the symptoms that freaked you out in the past 6 months, this may snap you out of it for a bit.

Good luck, let me know how it goes..

P.S. My list was so huge! I laughed at some of the things that i thought a had and how many times i thought it was the end for me!

17-11-07, 18:45
Hi farrell

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Glad you decided to post in the end and get some support on here.

Hope we can be of some help.

17-11-07, 21:20
Welcome to you a fellow Newbie!! I found this site purely accidentally cause i was neurotically Googling for something health related and it came up with a link to this site. I have struggled with health anxiety for years,much to the annoyance and frustration of myself and some family members!!! I must be hell to be around sometimes.
Good luck to you and I hope you find peace. Have you read ''The Power of Now''???

17-11-07, 21:29
Hi Farrel and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

17-11-07, 21:49
Well am in the same boat as u - so welcome from one HA sufferer to another :flowers:

This is a great site as it can really take your mind off HA, I have been using it for a while and have felt much better knowing I am not the only person with Health Anx.

I know some people deal with Health problems better than we do..... but thats part of health anx - I feel like my rational brain takes a holiday and my HA brain takes over

Hope you find the site useful

Claire xxxx :yesyes:

18-11-07, 17:53

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

19-11-07, 02:36
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone

19-11-07, 02:59
hi farrell and welcome to this site youl find some great info on this site your not alone and youl get great support on here aswell .tc elainexxx

20-11-07, 02:57
Hi Farrel,

Welcome to the site. You will be surprised at how many here feel like you do and the support you will receive.

