View Full Version : Melanoma

04-11-21, 09:19
Noticed a day ago that on my left foot big toenail there are three small black dots, about the size of pinheads . I work an active job and always kicking things and dropping things so very well could have kicked something or dropped something on it recently and just can’t remember, also it’s the same foot where several years ago I had surgery to remove half my toe nail due to an infection, was wondering if this could be scar tissues from then? I can’t really find anything online that looks similar to it, and I know with melanoma it’s different but November is my bad month for anxiety and now I am spiralling, I’m gonna see the doctor next week if things haven’t changed. Has anyone else had anything similar? Please help ease my mind

12-11-21, 20:09
It might be a bit of dried blood from the skin under your nail. If the dots move with your nail as it grows, its definitely dried blood. That's normal for any slight trauma to the toe. (I had a similar worry about blood under my fingernail :)) Melanoma also doesn't usually form in clusters, and even if it was melanoma, the fact that its pinprick size means that its just beginning to form and you have plenty of time to sort it out. Definitely see your primary care for some guidance! Melanoma is something that has freaked me out so I know where you're coming from. I get annual skin checks from my dermatologist and this has helped ease my fears, as they will take pictures of any suspicious moles and track them to see if they grow. Best of luck!