View Full Version : Chest pain / panic attack

04-11-21, 16:01
I have severe health anxiety and have been struggling massively over the past few years with depression alongside the anxiety.

Last night I took my sertraline tablet before going to bed as usual, within a few minutes I felt like I had indigestion which I get quite often, I also felt like the tablet was getting stuck on the way down, it was very painful. I felt like I was going to be sick and had to keep swallowing water that came up into my mouth.

The pain wasn’t exactly in my chest, more like the top of my stomach but it felt like it was rising up. I started to feel very panicky and was sweating, my arms felt tingly and I had to go to the toilet. Eventually after maybe 45 mins the pain eased and I managed to go to sleep. Now today I have been reading about silent heart attacks and I am really worried that it could have been one.

I phoned to try to speak to a doctor and after explaining to the receptionist she asked me if I thought it was an emergency, I said I don’t know as I’m not a doctor! Anyway she has put me in for a call from the on call doctor but I start work at 5, I work on a checkout. She told me I have to be available until 6pm. Should I go to A+E? I have never worried about my heart before but my life is so stressful maybe it’s almost inevitable that I’ll have a heart attack. My kids need me and the thought of being suddenly ripped away from them is unthinkable.

04-11-21, 16:14
No need to go to A&E, you'll be fine.

04-11-21, 17:02
No need to go to A&E, you'll be fine.

Hi, I spoke to the doctor and she said it didn’t sound cardiac related. She is increasing my sertraline to 150mg. I feel really shaky and tearful today. My anxiety and depression seems to be getting worse, I struggle to get up everyday and only manage to force myself into the shower once a week. I am utterly ashamed of the person I have become.

04-11-21, 17:19
Don't be ashamed, it's not your fault you're not well. We all have blips from time to time.

Sending positive vibes and internet hugs.

04-11-21, 19:28
Don't be so hard on yourself Rainbow, you're having a tough time.

04-11-21, 19:42
No need for shame Rainbow. I've been down the cardio route with HA. Its incredible how the mind can create physical symptoms that feel so real. You are doing really well in a tough situation.

04-11-21, 19:54
Thank you all for such kind words. I just want to be the person I was before my anxiety got so bad. I struggle through every single day, putting on a happy face so that my children don’t know how absolutely awful I feel.

I’m still waiting for psychotherapy, I really need some intervention soon. I would never end my life as most of my anxiety surrounds not being here for my children but sometimes I think my only way out is to no longer be here.