View Full Version : Please help - worried about my daughter recurrant infections

05-11-21, 08:00
Hi all,
I have been up all night in a state about my 18yr old daughter. She has had recurrant infections and temperatures over the last 3 months. When she gets and tired and burns the candle at both ends she alsways get tonsilitis. She had Covid in early September and recovered, however she is ill again. Feels breathless, pale, aching body, cough and now she has a temp again. She has spoken to the gp several times over the phone but has never managed to see her in person!! She had a chest x ray couple days ago but it is taking over 2 weeks to get results where we live. Also booked in for bloods but again they can't do this until next week. I googled....
I'm terrified she has blood cancer and feel so out of control becuase she is 18 the gp won't speak to me about her. Has anyone else had recurrent infections that turned out to be just that..a bad phase and low immune system or perhaps long covid? Do you get a temp with long covid?

I'm in a mess
Thank you for reading

05-11-21, 09:23
I think the two weeks to get results is pretty standard at the moment. I do think she's probably picking up lots of things that she may not have got normally because her immune system has taken a bit of a battering, plus we're being exposed to more things this year than last year because of the restrictions that were in place.

I know it's hard when you feel like you can't do anything to help her and have no control over what is happening, but please try not to google.

It might be worth her taking some supplements for a while to give her immune system a bit of a boost, zinc and vitamin d maybe or echinacea?

05-11-21, 12:53
Yes, we have been away from other people for so long so being re-exposed to the world (and germs) is a shock to the system. I’m sure she is okay.