View Full Version : Possible accidental double dose of Bisoprolol?

06-11-21, 16:09
My father takes 2.5mg of this tablet once daily - has done for several years. Yesterday when my mother administered his morning dose he missed his mouth and the tablet dropped - we scoured the floor and him to see where it had gone but couldn't find it. Anyway we administered another tablet form his pack instead.

My mother has been in a panic since in case - considering we couldn't find the missing tablet - that somehow she may have double dosed him (my father is quite sure he didn't take the two tablets). He only reported being quite tired during the afternoon but slept through the night OK and suffered no other symptoms. This morning before she would have given him he usual daily tablet she rang the pharmacist for advice and was told to carry on with daily dosing and not to miss a dose - but she has been concerned nonetheless.

Anyone had experience of this with beta blockers / Bisoprolol? A bit worrying when you read medical advice on these drugs online and see varying levels of advice. Guess we can only trust what the pharmacist advised.

06-11-21, 17:01
If it was yesterday then I can't see why it is of concern today.

06-11-21, 20:29
I would have just watched his BP and heartrate to see if there was any low readings. I am on a beta blocker now, Toprol XL, and have taken a double dose once and all it did was lower my resting HR by about 10 bpm. By the next day, it was back to normal.