View Full Version : Random anger/agitation on waking or otherwise?

06-11-21, 18:17
Hi everyone, hope this message finds you well…

This is a difficult one to explain, but I wondered if other people had experienced this.

Lately instead of waking up with pure panic and anxiety, I’ve begun to have what I can only describe as a very chemical feeling of anger, mixed with anxiety and possibly some depression. It feels totally chemical, like not related to my life, just a free-floating state.

It shows up mostly in the morning and can last all day, I’ve been going in and out of this for a couple of months. It almost behaves like anxiety and there is fear attached, but it’s a strong feeling of anger or frustration, not about anything though.

I’m not angry about something or depressed about something. It’s just a chemical feeling. Kind of like random panic attacks, but it’s very strange mix of negative emotions and it’s disturbing and scary.

I’m 10 years into the condition and I’ve done very well like getting my wife, but I feel like maybe I brought this on by overdoing it and exhausting my nervous system. I don’t take any medication‘s four anxiety or depression.

Can anyone relate to these kinds of random bouts that stick around? I don’t mean just getting angry or frustrated for a few minutes because of our lives or because we are upset, but a free floating state that hangs around four days or on and off for weeks?

If so, what have you done to help yourself get through these times?

06-11-21, 22:01
Hi there..

Its hard sometimes to beat back the negative emotions when they flood us and overwhelm our being.

Best I can say, is, try (easier said than done) to not focus on them or allow them to blur your judgement. Try to find things that brought/bring you joy and allow them to overpower the darkness. The dark cloud will lift.

I'm glad to hear you've managed thus far, and don't take that away, be proud of the good things you've achieved and its a day to day struggle for us.

I understand you haven't taken medication and whatever you decide, either way, we're here to offer support.

Best wishes..


06-11-21, 22:52
Thank you for your kind words Sal! 🙏