View Full Version : Random symptoms and abnormal blood tests..

07-11-21, 05:42
I've had a multitude of symptoms ever since September, after taking clindamycin (for wisdom tooth removal prep). It started with pelvic/rectum pain/pressure that occurred only when walking or pushing. It felt almost like trapped gas, but it just was not going away. My stools became narrow-ish & soft which is unusual for me, and noticeably smelly. Then the cold sweats & low grade fevers came along. I went to the ER because I started having mucus- bright red bloody diarrhea. My platelets were pretty high (550) as well as wbc (11.1). They did both ultrasound and ct scan of my abdomen/pelvis, everything came back normal. However, they found a uti and gave me antibiotics (keflex). I felt good for a while actually and I never got bloody stools after that day again. My stools returned to normal, although I still had rectum pressure. I got my blood rechecked in October, and my platelets were still high (497) but my wbc was normal (8.5) my alp was also super high (160). They found a slight iron deficiency as well (from high iron saturation, my rbc and hgb is normal). Recently, I have felt arm/leg pain that doesn't last too long but still noticeable. I also feel lightheaded/dizziness throughout the day. Occasional headache. Sometimes when I fall asleep, my chest starts hurting & I find it hard to breathe. Nerve pain through fingers & toes occasionally. I went to ER today because I felt terrible. They did an ekg and gave me liquid iv. They did blood tests which were normal aside from my wbc being high again (11.4) & my platelets (515), as well as a bit high of neutrophils. This freaked me out because my wbc were normal a month ago. I also entered the er with a 100.4 fever (i had no idea) & by the time I left, my temperature was back to 97.5. On top of all of this, I always feel like there is something in my rectum. Like a ball or something that I can feel the pressure of when i push to go to the bathroom or even when I just pass gas. It comes and goes, some days I can feel it more, other days I can't, this started two days after I finished clindamycin.. I got referred to a hematologist for my high platelets so I am hoping things go good. I just don't understand what is going on, these symptoms are very random and I have felt so lost and helpless. I don't have any easy bleeding or bruising, nor am i fatigued, my appetite is also normal (hungry than usual sometimes). My mind has led me to every disease possible; colon cancer, leukemia, lymphoma. It is just debilitating living with these symptoms and the anxiety it causes me. I see so many stories of cancer and death recently it almost feels like its a sign that i have it :(. This happened right as i turned 21 years old. Its just been the worst couple of months, i feel so scared.

11-11-21, 21:46
As you say, the symptoms are so random. My suggestion is that while you continue with the physical investgations you explain to your doctor how anxious you are about your symptoms and hopefully they can refer you for some help with the anxiety.

When I have had physical issues, if I was anxious about them it made them 100 times worse.

Good luck !!

15-11-21, 19:04
So sorry your having a hard time but the good news is that you have already been referred to the proper specialist. High platelets could signify a problem but it doesn’t necessarily mean that there is one and if there were to be it doesn’t automatically mean something sinister.
I personally wouldn’t put to much worry into your white count as it’s just barley elevated and was within normal range when checked again not to mention there are literally so many reasons for an elevated white count including stress. My white count always came back elevated in my early 20s even though they could find no reason for it. A high white count is more often a sign of infection or stress or even smoking then it is a sign of blood cancer, white count tends to be too low with blood cancers, not saying this is ALWAYS the case but it’s just more likely to be the opposite. Then there is the fact that we have different types of white cells and doctors take all that into account.
There is a rare complication associated with clindamycin an infection called C DIFF that causes diarrhea but if the doctors knew you had recently taken this antibiotic they likely would have took this into consideration, plus your bathroom habits have returned to normal so that can probably be crossed out.

I know it’s anxiety provoking when you have things going on and no answers but in the end it’s more likely that the answer turns out to be nothing all that concerning and so try not to worry. In the mean time let your doctor know you’re struggling with anxiety. There are ways to manage it, you don’t have to suffer in silence.