View Full Version : Exploding Head Syndrome

Nico Bellic
07-11-21, 13:44
So for the last month I’ve been living with Brain Zaps. These tend only to effect me when I’m about to drift off to sleep don’t really have any during the day. My sleep schedule got so messed up I drank to sleep. Major mistake as now I have exploding head syndrome. From a few bangs occasionally the worst is when I’m trying to drift off to sleep my breathing will wake me up. Doctor has put me on mirtazapine as he thinks it’s all anxiety related. Has anybody had brain zaps and exploding head syndrome together? Is there a way out of this mess? I don’t want to rely on the meds as I’ve heard withdrawals are awful. I’ve been taking them for 6 days now. Sleep is better but causes have not gone. Help please .

12-11-21, 20:01
I used to have both of them, especially when I was taking Seroquel. I would wake up to what sounded like a shotgun had gone off and scare the heck out of my boyfriend. My brain zaps would mostly happen when I was sitting down and relaxing, they were worst when I was on a withdrawl from Lexapro. I would recommend you stop drinking alcohol for a bit (if you can :p) and to give the mirtazapine another week or two. If it doesn't seem to be doing much, try talking to your doctor about taking an SSRI along with a possible sleep aid like hydroxyzine. I take that and Zoloft and haven't had much of an issue sleeping for awhile. Good luck! :)