View Full Version : How to overcome random racing non sense thoughts ?

07-11-21, 20:34
Hi my friends,

I have been facing a hard relapse in my anxiety for a few days after several weeks of tranquility. I had previously posted here about the same topic and appreciated your support, I am a 31 year old M suffering from panic disorder / probably OCD and my main fear is having auditory hallucinations.

In fact, sometimes when I am anxious / tired or my mind is not busy, I have his thoughts appearing for no reason randomly. They seem meaningless, it could be a word, a music / jingle, or a snippet of conversation / video I heard recently (this point is the worst as my brain literally remembers and recreates the person's ton voice), and it sounds like quick mental chatter giving the impression of losing control over my mind.

I also noticed that this also happens when I meditated or fell asleep / woke up or after intense physical exercise (due to the stimulation of the fight / flight response?)

Anyway, I'm really fed up with this "symptom" and can't seem to rationalize it as the physical symptoms of anxiety that I accept without worry.
It doesn't happen when I'm busy, but it keeps me from fully relaxing because I know it might happen if I let my mind wander.

FYI, I saw an experienced psychiatrist who only told me that it was normal and common but that my anxiety made it worse.

Do you have any advice / info or testimonials to help me understand that these are not hallucinations and get out of it?

Thank you so much

13-11-21, 00:46
Hello there..

Sorry its took me so long to respond ... I have awful OCD and sometimes its hard to wind down at night. I get em bad and now have to turn everything off 4 hours before bed. I've come to accept that those nagging intrusive thoughts will likely be with me and I've actually come to less worry about it now.

You're not losing your mind, so don't worry, it does happen sometimes especially if you're on an SSRI as I am ... along with occasional zaps. I used to freak out, but now. just like, well that was interesting.

They do eventually pass.

Take good care and I realize its been several months now so hopefully you're doing better.
