View Full Version : Puzzled

11-02-05, 22:09
Hello everyone, I wanted to create another thread for these questions, sorry about that!

I have some symptoms that have puzzled me for some time, one actually for over a decade.

1. I have this weird problem with my eyes where my left eye often sees all colors darker than my right eye. And often, especially under artificial lighting when lying down, I see white walls with a strong green tint with my left eye. I have had this since I was maybe 10 years old. I have never found any information about anything like this at all!

2. I ate some sweets today and my vision got blurrier. I felt that this also happened the last time I ate sweets. I know blurry vision can be a symptom of diabetes, so ingesting sugar might worsen my blurry vision problem...also, there's an over 70% chance that I have celiac disease, and I've read that people with untreated celiac disease are like 40 (or whatever) times more probable to develop diabetes than other people...I've been thinking I might have diabetes for some time, but I haven't been tested yet. If anyone has more knowledge on this than I do, please share!

3. I can't look into anyone's both eyes at the same time, not even my own when looking in the mirror! I end up looking at just one eye, or if I try hard to focus on both eyes I end up looking at the person's nose, this also applies to looking in the mirror. Any ideas?!

I would very much appreciate any information...these things cause me great anxiety. Thank you.

11-02-05, 22:18
Hi Kroko

Welcome to the site

Sorry to hear you're not feeling too good.

Have you spoken to your GP about your symptoms ?

I think it's really important to get yourself checked out at this stage - at least then you will know what you are dealing with,
and hopefully this will help reduce your anxiety.

Best Wishes


11-02-05, 22:26
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Have you spoken to your GP about your symptoms ?
<div align="right">Originally posted by mojo5 - 11 February 2005 : 22:18:36</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Well I've tried...the last time I was at a doctor he sort of ignored some of my worries because I had so many he couldn't keep up! These three (along with the melanoma thing) have been bugging me the most, especially the darker colors/green tint with my left eye thing because I've had it for so long.

11-02-05, 22:47
Hi Kroko

I believe blurred vision can be a symptom of stress and anxiety - I know I've had it before myself. I don't eat wheat (I'm not celiac but try to follow the Blood Group diet) and I know I have blurred vision problems.. I get migraines too but I'm convinced stress is a big trigger too..

I know this doesn't answer everything but I hope it helps on that score.

Good luck and good health


11-02-05, 23:00
I have had the problems with my left eye since I was about 10 and I'm now 20. It also has weaker vision than my right eye.

I've mentioned about it to doctors but they've ignored me...I just really want to know what could be causing it, am I gradually going blind or something...

Plus the other two issues that I brought up.

12-02-05, 00:07
Hi Kroko,

Sorry to hear that these symptoms are causeing you
great anxiaty.

Have you had your eyes tested? Maybe if you asked them
they could put your mind at ease.

Q 3
I don't think it is possible for anyone to look into someone's
both eyes at the same time. I have just been up stairs and
looked in the mirror, and the only way I can see my both
eyes at the same time is when I look at the top of my nose.
The eyes can only focus on one thing, when there are 2 objects
they meet in the middle of the objects so we can focus better.

Hope this helps.



12-02-05, 00:48
lol Jill - you are right!! It's not possible :D

12-02-05, 00:53
Hi Kroko

Not a professional at all so cant answer your problems but would suggest it has something to do with anxiety.

Only a guess as no other problems have been detected.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

12-02-05, 10:16
Hello Kroko,

I have had probs with my vision since I was a child.
I have been referred to the hospital in the past and they put all the symptoms down to migraine caused by stress.

The symptoms you describe are very similar to mine:

1. My right eye goes blurry and a green or black wall follows, making it impossible to see for a while.

2. My vision seems to 'shake', making me feel dizzy.

3. Floaters and sparkles in my vision

By the way, no one can see both eyes at the same time. You only have one point of focus which is quite small. What you see outside that is your periferal vision. I asked this question and thats what I was told.

Hope this helps

Jude x

12-02-05, 12:40
I thought the not being able to focus on both eyes at the same time thing had something to do with one of the killer diseases I think I have, so it's a relief to know that no one else can do it either!

I also see floaters, but only with my left eye (I think)...I was once checked about the floaters, the eye doctor made me look into some device, she thought the floaters might be caused by something that I forgot, but something that's actually there and can be removed somehow...but she didn't see them in there.

I was wondering if when you have diabetes does eating sweets make your vision blur? Because that happens (or at least I think it does) when I eat sweets. And I know blurry vision is one of the symptoms of diabetes.

And the weird thing with my left eye, especially in artificial lighting when lying down I see things, especially white surfaces, with a green tint...and my left eye is also somewhat weaker than my right eye. I've been thinking diabetes, glaucoma, cataract, whatever...something that will make me go blind anyway! If one of my diseases doesn't kill me before that, that is.

12-02-05, 13:43

All the symptoms that you describe are likely to be due to anxiety which makes you notice the possible problems in the first place--& then makes the suspected symptoms even worse because of the stress from the anxiety.

Many people have one eye stronger/weaker than the other eye. Also, if you look at something by closing one eye & then the other alternatively you will tend to get colour distortions.

Your concern seems to be about possible diabetes. This can be tested for very easily---& is very treatable.

As for chronic glaucoma & cataracts---both are highly unlikely at the age of 20. As you may know, glaucoma can be inherited. It tends to run in my family on my father's side---but nobody has developed it or been found to be developing it until at least their mid-sixties! The other form of glaucoma is the acute form--but this you would certainly know about as it is usually very painful---& as it says--it is acute. It doesn't develop 'silently' over many years!

Try to get your doctor to test you for diabetes to put your mind at rest over that. Also, you could always go for an eye test as they now check for glaucoma, plus many underlying illnesses (such as diabetes) would show up to an optician when they check your retinas.


12-02-05, 14:06
If it was diabetes that was giving you blurred vision after eating sweets, surely it would happen when you had anything containing sugar. It is the sugar after all that causes a diabetic reaction.
Glaucoma, as far as I was told, starts with tunnel vision, and along with cataracts, wouldnt affect you at this age.
In one of my books by Claire Weekes, it tells you that anxiety does affect your vision, due to the blood pressure thing and tension in your neck.
My other thought was, these sweets- do they contain any additives, colourings etc that could be triggering a migraine aura. You dont neccessarily get a headache after the aura so maybe its that. Or maybe just the wonderful old anxiety.


12-02-05, 15:12
Wow Kroko,

Your imagination and a little knowledge really does get the better of you each time. This is the issue that you really need to work on.

Diabetes- do you really think that you could have been a diabetic for long enough to get these long term ill effects without noticing many other symptoms and getting very ill in the meanwhile and even if you were your vision changes with retinopathy slowly over years not each time you have a sugar challenge.

Glaucoma you would know about

Cataracts are easily noticed by anyone interacting with you.

'something to do with one of the killer diseases I think I have' I doubt very much that you have any killer disease at all

Hope all goes well at the dermalologist which I think is a sensible option if you've never been seen at one before.

You could really do with some CBT specifically for this health anxiety stage you're in.

Are you working or studying during the days ?


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

12-02-05, 16:16
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Are you working or studying during the days ?

<div align="right">Originally posted by Meg - 12 February 2005 : 15:12:04</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Nothing. The only time I ever go out is by car to the psychologist or a doctor...it has been like this since early 2004, I start panicking if I go out.

Another thing that reinforces my belief of having a killer disease or more than one of them is that my chronic (and ever-worsening) depersonalisation started BEFORE my panic attacks and other psychological problems (although I did had obsessive-compulsive symptoms before the depersonalisation started, in fact I've always had them). The depersonalisation started in 1999 or 2000, somewhere during the new year/new year's eve anyway. I remember wondering why I have that strange feeling, but it was so mild that I didn't really worry about it until 2001 when it got worse and I got my first panic attack.

I figure that if it were psychological, the depersonalisation wouldn't have started on its own. I've read that dp is a symptom of many serious diseases.

12-02-05, 17:10
Hi Kroko,

The depersonalisation causes my PAs too. If you have a look at my last post -Symptoms first, panic after, you will see that this is what happened to me.
I have looked on many sites about depersonalisation. The only physical illnesses that cause depersonalisation are not life threatening, namely migraine and depressive illnesses. If you would like info on the D/P site, send me a PM and I will give it to you. It contains nothing scary and really helped me.

Jude x

12-02-05, 17:14
Jude - do post it if you think it will help anyone else too.

We like to share all useful sites/information for the common good and if Nic thinks they're worthwhile - they'll get added to the links list


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

12-02-05, 17:28
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Jude - do post it if you think it will help anyone else too.

<div align="right">Originally posted by Meg - 12 February 2005 : 17:14:24</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


I know about dpselfhelp.com and dreamchild, so if it's another website, please share!

12-02-05, 19:19
sorry to hear youhave this if i was you if your the uk i would go to morefields eye hospital, i am under them for glaucoma, which i didnt know i had, until a rueteen eye test but they do say that seeing colours around lights etc is a symptom, but they are the best eye hospital in the uk and would probably have a department to go to i have the phone number if you need it at anytime. karen

12-02-05, 19:30
hi you seem to be totally focussing on what you believe to be killer diseases, im not sure where you are getting the information about them from but if you are typing symptoms into somewhere on the internet you really need to stop, we have all probably done this at some point and it just makes our thinking worse not every thing we suffer from kills us and im not sure i ever heard of anyone dying from seeing colours in their eyes but you dont seem to be able to get any rational thinking about this as each time some one reassures you on a topic you find something else that you may have that could kill you, try to take time off the internet, i know you say you dont study or work but just give your self some time out to try get your thoughts together this wont be easy but you really have to try

fan x

12-02-05, 19:50
Meg and Kroko,

Iv sent the web address to Nicola, coz I dont know how to post it as a link. Im not very good with computer technical stuff.


12-02-05, 20:01
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">sorry to hear youhave this if i was you if your the uk i would go to morefields eye hospital, i am under them for glaucoma, which i didnt know i had, until a rueteen eye test but they do say that seeing colours around lights etc is a symptom, but they are the best eye hospital in the uk and would probably have a department to go to i have the phone number if you need it at anytime. karen

<div align="right">Originally posted by littlen - 12 February 2005 : 19:19:31</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

So you can indeed have glaucoma without knowing it!

I am not in the UK, I am in Finland, but thank you anyway.

Did/do you have the color thing too...?! What other symptoms do you have? I might have the same ones...as I said I have had the weird green tint thing for like ten years.

12-02-05, 20:07
"Symptoms of Glaucoma: At first, there are no symptoms. Vision stays normal, and there is no pain.

However, as the disease progresses, a person with glaucoma may notice his or her side vision gradually failing. That is, objects in front may still be seen clearly, but objects to the side may be missed. As the disease worsens, the field of vision narrows and blindness results.1

At first, open-angle glaucoma has no symptoms. Vision stays normal, and there is no pain. As glaucoma remains untreated, people may notice that although they see things clearly in front of them, they miss objects to the side and out of the corner of their eye.

Without treatment, people with glaucoma may find that they suddenly have no side vision. It may seem as though they are looking through a tunnel. Over time, the remaining forward vision may decrease until there is no vision left.2

More symptoms of Glaucoma: In addition to the above information, to get a full picture of the possible symptoms of this condition and its related conditions, it may be necessary to examine symptoms that may be caused by complications of Glaucoma, underlying causes of Glaucoma, associated conditions for Glaucoma, risk factors for Glaucoma, or other related conditions. "

Argh!! I don't want to be blind. [xx(] I've felt as if the side vision on my left eye is deteriorating lately!

Sometimes I investigate the articles on this list: http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/disease/symptoms.htm

Osteoporosis I really do have for sure, that was diagnosed maybe ten years ago.

12-02-05, 20:12
im not sure it matters that the symptoms are similar this does not mean you have this disease you really do need to see your doctor and only listen to what he says looking up things like this on the internet is not healthy and is only going to give you more cause for concern please try to stop it

fan x

13-02-05, 00:50

Wow indeed! As Meg said, " imagination & a little knowledge-----"

Littlen said that she has treatment for glaucoma that was picked up in a routine eye tast. Yes, a routine eye test will show if glaucoma is developing &, provided you have regular eye tests, it will show up long before there is irreversible eye damage. It would be picked up in time for treatment. That is why, nowadays, eye pressures are checked as part of all eye tests, along with peripheral vision tests etc.

I have annual eye tests because my father has glaucoma---my father did not start to develop this until he was nearly 70. He is now 84, & still going strong, &, no, he isn't blind, his vision is good for an 84 year old! His developing condition was picked up in a routine eye test & treated with special drops to stop it developing further.

I am 57 this year---& show no signs of it developing!

At age 20, it is very unlikely. Also, you've had the symptoms for 10 years-- I doubt whether many 10 year olds start glaucoma.

All that aside, & I'm only citing the above to try to reassure you that glaucoma is pretty unlikely in your case, you are putting together symptoms as in 2+2=5. The most likely underlying cause of all this is your anxiety---which you are treating to 3 square meals a day by trawling "symptom sites" on the net! All helping to nurture the anxiety spiral.

Most things do not kill us, nor do they make us blind or disabled. Even if your symptoms were due to something "physical", there are 1001 reasons, none of which are killer diseases.

Try to avoid the symptom sites for a while, it's just feeding your anxiety.

Good luck on Monday, let us know how you get on. I, too, have thousands of moles, have had for many years, checked by doctor regularly, no problems!


13-02-05, 10:57

Exactly as everyone else is saying - your anxiety is in a vicious circle - you are seeing symptoms which are a by-product of anxiety and thinking that they are signs of a serious, life-threatening condition. This makes you anxious and so the cycle begins again.

Most of us here have convinced ourselves that there is something seriously wrong with us - anxiety gives so many debilitating symptoms - we can all identify with symptom lists on medical sites. Go to a professional (like the dermatologist) and don't rely on your own diagnoses, you're too close to it and need a more objective and qualified opinion.

Glaucoma is eminently treatable - it is, as noted above, almost exclusively a condition that comes in later life. My grandmother developed it and was fine. Routine eye checks pick it up (I seem to recall they test the pressure of the eyeball amongst other things.)

Kroko, the chances are very, very, very high that the only condition you have is anxiety. That's bad enough but you are worrying yourself and adding fuel to the fire for your condition which is making you feel worse.

We all do it but the big step forward is recognising what's making you fear these things.

Good luck with the dermatologist and please, please, please try to make yourself relax a little and keep your mind off these dark thoughts which are pushing you down constantly.

There is a solution for every problem

Good luck and good heatlh


13-02-05, 12:10
Im like u i panic over the slightest thing or pain and i do have a habbit of looking up the web for the symptons to see what is wrong with me and then i think i have someting serious wrong then i panic more.

When i went to the doctors i told her what i did and she says never look up the web so i stopped it.

13-02-05, 17:40
Well thank you for trying to calm me down, everyone...I'll try not to look up symptoms on the Internet so much.

Jude, I would still very much appreciate a link to that website! To post a link here, all you really need to do is post a reply and type (or paste) the address into the message box where you type everything else.


13-02-05, 17:48
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Meg and Kroko,

Iv sent the web address to Nicola, coz I dont know how to post it as a link. Im not very good with computer technical stuff.


<div align="right">Originally posted by jude - 12 February 2005 : 19:50:07</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Where did you send it as I never got it. You can just type the address in here like Kroko says.


13-02-05, 17:48
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Kroko, the chances are very, very, very high that the only condition you have is anxiety.

<div align="right">Originally posted by JPF - 13 February 2005 : 10:57:26</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I'm afraid not! My osteoporosis was diagnosed many years ago. I have also had anemia. Now a doctor thinks I'm likely to have celiac disease, which of course is treated simply with a change in diet (leaving out gluten), I've been doing that and feel no improvement, though.

13-02-05, 19:21

I didn't mean that - I meant the perceived life-threatening conditions you're describing. I read your posts mentioning your osteoporosis.

What I was trying to say was that your anxiety symptoms are making you think you have other more sinister underlying diseases when these perceived symptoms are very very likely to be anxiety-induced. It was not meant to refer to things you are/have suffering/suffered with. Anxiety becomes a self-reflexive loop of behaviour - thoughts & panics become cyclical - physical symptoms result which induce you to believe that you're suffering from something else which in turn makes you more anxious and so the cycle continues.

I've known a number of celiacs and I believe it takes some time for the new diet to have an effect - I'm not sure how long but it's not overnight. I eschew gluten as I generally follow the blood-group eating plan and I often find I become more anxious and lethargic if I have large armounts of gluten.

If you're suffering with stomach problems it may be worth noting that anxiety is associated with it and many related abdominal complaints, particularly IBS.

Good luck with your appointment at the dermatologist, please let us know how you get on and please try to build-in some time in each day to make yourself relax a little.


14-02-05, 11:36
Well I can't go there today...I feel like the only place I can go to now is the psychiatric ward where I was last year...I really, REALLY don't want to go there, but I feel hopeless...

I have had this constant feeling of anxiety and panic since yesterday, it's like I'm trying to get up to the hill of stability and something of great strength keeps pushing me down...

I couldn't get any sleep last night.

14-02-05, 16:38
i really think you should have gone to your appointment today i know it might have been hard and stressful for you but you would have found out about the worry you have and that could have put your mind at rest on one thing at least to let you concentrate on all the other issues you have . maybe now you will have lost your place and the waiting will make you ill all over again, going to the psychisatric ward was not the only option you had and im not even sure that going there would have solved your problems you have a lot of issues that only you can deal with we can advise you but only you can be the one to take the steps forward

fan x

14-02-05, 21:26
I only moved the appointment for tomorrow, so I'll probably go there tomorrow.

14-02-05, 21:35
Good for you Kroko . Hope it goes well with the Derm

We forget you're not reliant on the NHS 18 month waiting lists !!

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

14-02-05, 21:44
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Good for you Kroko . Hope it goes well with the Derm</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Thank you.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">We forget you're not reliant on the NHS 18 month waiting lists !!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Trust me, I would be...but this is a private clinic. I'm paying more than I could really afford. I recently had a few blood tests taken at a private clinic...that set me back over 300 euros (or £206 at the current exchange rate)!

15-02-05, 00:36

Sorry to hear you were unable to get to the clinic today. I guess with this anxiety stuff, some days we just can't do what we are supposed to even if it's for our own good in the end.

Pleased to hear that you have another appointment for tomorrow, hope you get there. It will, at least, put your mind at rest over some things.

Good luck with the appointment.

Linda. x

15-02-05, 12:34
My trip to the dermatologist is near and I feel great anxiety about going there...I don't know what I'll do if the doctor tells me I have melanoma...

18-02-05, 15:45
Kroko ,

Here is a recommendation for a book on DP/DR . Have you read it ?

derealisation/depersonlisation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2512)

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

21-02-05, 17:56
I have now been tested for two more things: diabetes and glaucoma. I don't have them.

I haven't read it, thanks for the tip Meg.

21-02-05, 18:00
great news thats 2 more things you can free your mind of hope it keeps going well for you

fan x

21-02-05, 19:56

Excellent news that you are clear of two more diseases that you have been so worried about.

Maybe, a pattern is emerging here?!

Hope this has given you some peace of mind--& may it continue.

Linda. x

21-02-05, 20:40
I'm kind of thinking it's a blood circulation disease/problem now that everything else I've thought so far has been ruled out...

21-02-05, 21:06

Don't look for something else for it to be.

Be assured that you are well and it is just anxiety etc.

Please stop looking or you will go on forever and drive yourself barmy looking for the next thing.

You are young and healthy and now you need to address the real problem and stop looking for a serious illness.

Until you do this it won't go away.
