View Full Version : Panicking Over Partners Testicle Lump/s

08-11-21, 12:44
Hi, my partner recently went to the doctor for a variety of things one is there is a little thing on his testicles that looks like a white blister, I'm sure he's had it a while, the doctor felt his testicles and said he could feel lumps inside, my partner can't remember what he said from there but he thought he said it was most probably cysts and he would send him for a ultrasound scan to be sure.

So I have major anxiety issues and I'm on the brink of panic attacks over this daily, I can't lose him he's all I've got. The letter hasn't come through yet for the scan.

He also has been suffering with headaches for years, Earache, lower back pain, sometimes lower tummy pain, can sometimes get penis discharge on occasion, and he always needs to urinate even at night he can be up and down to the toilet weeing, he's been checked for diabetes and has just had a load of blood tests done which came back okay. He's had a cough for years which has gotten worse in the past few years but his job right now is around a lot of dust sometimes. He has high blood pressure and is on Ramipril and Amlodopine and is currently taking some tablets as well the doctor gave him for acid reflex as they think the cough might be that. He's had a chest X-Ray a few months ago which came back all clear.

So now whenever he says he has a headache, earache, lower back pain, is constantly needing to wee and is coughing I'm panicking more.

So I've googled I know I shouldn't and I'm so so scared, in my mind it's the worse case and I don't want him sick and to go. I want him to just have some cysts and to be healthy and fine. He's petrified over it all as well right now. The doctor said that it might be a midwife that does his scan as they're so busy but would a midwife be qualified to do it or would a urologist look at it as well. The letter still hasn't come through, I feel sick enough anyway at the best of times but this is just so much worse. I just want the scan to be done and for it to just be harmless cysts.

08-11-21, 15:27
I went to to doctors a few years ago, as I thought I felt a lump in my testicles, the gp i saw I put him at the same age range as me, referred me under the two week rule as he was unsure about the lump (in fact I got a phone call to see when I could come in as soon as I got home)

My Dad had to wait in reception at the hospital, the specialist I saw could not feel the lump, but still referred me for an ultrasound on the same day, turned out I had a few cysts in the in the region of the epididymis, I had this checked the following two years, and nothing has changed

11-11-21, 20:28
Thank you for your reply. I'm really glad that you were clear and it was all sorted for you quickly.

Well he has his scan next week, on my birthday, so I'm really hoping that it is going to come back as cyst/s.
His testicles don't look any different other than the little white lump on the surface, I'm not sure if there's anymore deeper as he's so scared he's not wanting to let me have an investigation which is probably just as well.