View Full Version : what i would do just to be normal

17-11-07, 10:46
hello every1 hope u r all well...:hugs: well i would like to know if there is name for this thing i suffer?? i constally worry about my health i think i have all the cancers and tumors its unreal like i mean a twinge or shooting pain triggers this and sends me into overdrive and i have had for good few years now and its starting to piss me right off :lac:
i wish i could just walk into the docs and say look i am going goin off my head with all these stupid thoughts that bring my panic attacks on but i am so scared he will laugh at me and tell me to grow up:blush: i mean i do get pains n twinges everyday is some where diff i was also wondering my mum has fibromaglia not sure if a spelt it rgt ...... could i have that?? does it run in fams??
rgt now as i type i think i have a kidney infe its laughable but its getting to me what i would do just to b so normal
anyways i love this site its great and has help me in the past
take care evey1 :hugs:

17-11-07, 11:37
Hello Jillian,

Sounds like you are having a hard time. Yes you can be normal, it's going to take alot of hard work, and positive thinking on your part.I am currently in the recovery stage of panic anxiety, it's taken me 6 years to get here. Alot of tears, cussing and screaming, and alot of positive thinking.Support from good friends and family.

Let your doctor know how you feel, they are use to people and problems hun, thats what they are there for.

As for the fibromaglia, I think it may run in the family, that's another thing to talk to your doctor about.

Remember you can beat this!
Hope this helps, see you around.