View Full Version : Worried I've eaten a Death Cap Mushroom by mistake.

08-11-21, 18:49
I recently bought a Soba Wok Style Teriyaki Pot Noodle from B&M (one with the green lid) I didn't know it had Mushrooms in it, until after eating it and then I started getting a very bad Stomach. My entire Stomach feels inflammed, which started about 20 minutes after eating it and I'm worried a Death Cap Mushroom was put in there by mistake when it was being made.

I've had the other flavours before (yellow, blue lid) and I've been ok, so I'm worried I've accidentally eaten a Poisonous Mushroom and I'm going to die from Kidney and Liver Failure. Read up there's nothing you can do if you consume a Death Cap Mushroom.

08-11-21, 19:09
Well this seems very unlikely. I’m sure you’ll be fine. But try and find some way to relax yourself.

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08-11-21, 19:10
You're really reaching, mate.

Processed foods are made using cultivated mushrooms, and for some weird reason, nobody cultivates death cap mushrooms for the instant noodle market.

08-11-21, 19:16
Well this seems very unlikely. I’m sure you’ll be fine. But try and find some way to relax yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I know it seems very unlikely, don't think there's been a case of it ever happening anyway. Thank you, I'm just going to have some of my anti-anxiety meds.

08-11-21, 19:17
Hi Indeedbeak, knowing something about fungi and all things natural, the chances of a Death Cap being used to make a pot noodle are astronomically small. Death caps are quite distinctive in having a yellowish-green hue to the cap surface and white gills underneath as opposed to brown/black with an edible field mushroom.

Your gastric disturbance is anxiety. I've had health anxiety too and know just how it works. Please believe me, that pot noodle is harmless.

08-11-21, 19:19
You're really reaching, mate.

Processed foods are made using cultivated mushrooms, and for some weird reason, nobody cultivates death cap mushrooms for the instant noodle market.

Yeah, I wasn't sure how the process worked. I thought maybe, someone foraged one by mistake and it ended up in the Pot Noodle I bought.

08-11-21, 19:23
Hi Indeedbeak, knowing something about fungi and all things natural, the chances of a Death Cap being used to make a pot noodle are astronomically small. Death caps are quite distinctive in having a yellowish-green hue to the cap surface and white gills underneath as opposed to brown/black with an edible field mushroom.

Your gastric disturbance is anxiety. I've had health anxiety too and know just how it works. Please believe me, that pot noodle is harmless.

Thank you for your reply fishman65. My Anxiety has been really bad over the past year, I was recently discharged from a Section 2. And am waiting for more help, probably Psychotherapy, CBT etc.

08-11-21, 19:35
Sorry if I seemed snarky there. I really hope you can move past this.

When I was a kid, my parents used to go to a mushroom farm, so I know they grow them by species.

08-11-21, 19:40
That's good you are getting help, anxiety is awful isn't it, whatever form it takes. It never ceases to amaze me just what our minds can conjure up from the tiniest seed of doubt. Its how we react to that seed that matters. Look after yourself.

08-11-21, 20:05
Sorry if I seemed snarky there. I really hope you can move past this.

When I was a kid, my parents used to go to a mushroom farm, so I know they grow them by species.

It's ok mate, no worries. It is a bit of a stretch I know, but for some reason I've had a fear of consuming poisonous mushrooms for a few year's now. Used to love mushrooms too, don't know where that fear came from.

08-11-21, 20:10
That's good you are getting help, anxiety is awful isn't it, whatever form it takes. It never ceases to amaze me just what our minds can conjure up from the tiniest seed of doubt. Its how we react to that seed that matters. Look after yourself.

Yeah, they thought I was suffering from Psychosis and kept telling me to take Antipsycotics, which I kept refusing to take because 1. It wasn't Psychosis 2. I was worried about the possibility of Tardive Dyskinesia. Thank you, hopefully they can help me end it once and for all, or at the very least manage it so I can live a normal productive life again.

12-11-21, 19:57
Not going great at the moment. Basically, the pain went away an hour or two after I posted this Thread. When I woke up this morning, the pain came back worse (the pain has been there constantly all day) with frequent diarrhea (I've been to the toilet 6-7 times today) and a constant nasusa feeling.

Still keep thinking it's because a Death Cap Mushroom was put in my food by mistake during production because someone foraged it by accident, I don't know. Maybe a new comer who just became a Mushroom Forager, human error or something you know? It happens.

I keep telling myself the chances are low, but it's still possible, which keeps it going. Has there ever been a case of this, where a Poisonous Mushroom was picked by mistake and ended up in food products?

I mean, what's more likely. This or being bitten by some random Bat and contracting Rabies, when just walking about outside? (I've had that fear a few times too over the year's. Still get them sometimes, but that's unrelated to this Thread)

12-11-21, 22:14
I'm a relative newcomer to HA, before turning 50 I'd never had a single episode. Since then I've had obsessions over heart disease, skin and prostate cancer. None of which came to anything. So I may not be the best person to be commenting Indeedbeak.

However, if we weigh up the likelihood of your symptoms being caused by anxiety or poisoning by death cap, the most likely and by some distance most logical explanation would be anxiety. Suggestion is extremely powerful, and an anxious mind will do just that. Suggest. I had exactly the same in 2018. I was convinced I had congestive heart disease and I read on our 'oh so reliable' Dr Google that extreme exhaustion was a symptom.

So the next morning I was in Asda and had to leave my trolley and return to the car, because I felt so tired I was afraid I might not get home. And yet it turned out my heart was fine as hospital tests showed. In a way with HA we put the cart in front of the horse. That's what happened regarding my heart and the same is happening with you now Indeedbeak. Both nausea and diarrhea can and often are caused by anxiety. HA is hell and please don't think I'm dismissing your fears, but this is anxiety at work.

12-11-21, 23:01
1. There is absolutely no chance that you ate a Death Cap mushroom in your commercially made meal. Absolutely. No. Chance. At. All. Commercial production process are very strict, and wouldn't allow a mistake like that or even a case of deliberate sabotage.

2. Do you really think Death Caps are growing on every corner? I forage mushrooms for over 30 years, and I have yet to see a real DeTh Cap myself. This really isn't such an easy mushroom to find!

3. Eating a Death Cap starts to give symptoms after approx 8-12 hours, and NOT after 10 mins from eatng it. I AM 100% SURE YOU HAVE NOT EATEN A DEATH CAP IN A COMMERCIALLY PREPARED MEAL.

4. If you ate that mushroom you would be violently sick, with stomach pain and a terrible diarhea. You wouldn't be able to write here you wouldn't be able to do anything except for vomiting and pooping. You would need the help of another person to call an ambulance.

You did not eat a toxic mushroom. It's your anxiety that is giving you gastric problems.

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28-11-21, 04:24
Oh dear- I’ve actually had this worry before as I love mushrooms- what I did that helps me ( but I’m super into nutrition so I want to know how everything is being sourced anyway..) is pick a brand and research how they grow their mushrooms- very quickly you will find they are usually grown inside on sawdust and by people who know what they are doing… the death cap thing comes into play when someone ( a friend etc) is forging and goes to feed you or make something homemade… commercial mushrooms more often than not are not growing in the wild. And yes happens first around 8 hours. Could be you have an Intolerance maybe? I’m like that with shitakes ( depressing I know)