View Full Version : Had a panic attack at work today

08-11-21, 19:17
I'm not sure this needs to be merged with another one of my threads; if so I apologize to the mods.

I work in research administration. I love my job. It doesn't pay well and I definitely need to figure out where I want to go career-wise, but for now it's a nice admin job that (generally) pays the bills. Despite the low pay, I love that I can walk to work and I love the people I work with. They're just really great and the work/life balance is awesome. Lots of leave and understanding superiors.

But, it's research based and recently we had a researcher obtain a grant to study tick bourne diseases in dogs. I think because it's federally funded (?) someone managed to make some kind of conspiracy connection between this and Fauci and covid (basically painting Fauci as a dog killer in order to trash the vaccine?) so it has somewhat blown up. We've had run-ins with animal rights groups before, just letters, but my boss got a voicemail this morning from an individual threatening to dox her on Facebook.

Now, we don't just do animal research - we are a university, so we mainly do human subjects and some biosafety stuff. And I'm in admin so I work across all three committees + some of the other stuff we handle. But oh my god, I heard that message and absolutely panicked. I started thinking that someone is going to find my name on the university website and find out where I live and come after me or my own pets. Or that they are going to come onto campus and physically hurt me (I'm alone in the office a lot).

I don't know what I want to do so I can't just jump ship, and I love my coworkers so leaving would require some thought and my wanting to make sure that they are able to replace me (when I go on vacation they do struggle) so I can't just peace out immediately. I'm probably overreacting? But I just don't know and I feel completely trapped and unable to make a move.

10-11-21, 17:13
Perhaps it might be advisable to remove names etc from the website if threats are being made against staff?

12-11-21, 20:12
Hi Catkins,

Thanks - that would probably be a good option. It's just strange how its escalated. I've got other stuff going on now so mentally I'm not dwelling on it because I'm spent in other ways, but I guess that's something.

15-11-21, 08:36
How do you feel at the moment? I hope you are calm at the moment and do not worry. Have you talked with your boss about the voicemail message?