View Full Version : Blood Pressure readings

09-11-21, 17:02
Hi everyone

Can anyone help me with a question about blood pressure readings? My BP is always high at the GPs (white coat) and I've got a home monitor to keep check. When I take my BP in the morning its slightly under 120/80 (around 119/78). But when I take it again in the evening its higher 127/86, 130/81, 133/91. I'm suffering badly with anxiety at the moment so I think this is contributing. I seem to have white coat syndrome at home now! Should I take the lower reading or higher? Is it classed as high blood pressure if it's not always high?

Thank you.

09-11-21, 17:22
Do you have a medical reason to check it multiple times of the day? If not I wouldn't advise doing so.

09-11-21, 18:53
They are really not that high

Just record all readings if your doctor has asked you to and show them to him/her.

09-11-21, 19:31
Thank you for your replies. Dr told me to take it at home as it is high every time the dr takes it. I must admit tho that I've become obsessed with it and am taking it a lot of times a day, which is also causing me anxiety. Occasionally if I'm super anxious it can go up to 150. It does come down again quite quickly but it's always the top end of 'normal'. I just don't know whether to be satisfied that half the time it's ok. I'm so scared of strokes as my dad had one :-(

09-11-21, 19:46
Could you set a limit on how many times you check it in the day? Maybe only once or twice? Write it down in a book, then shut the book and walk away?

There was nothing alarming in the readings in my eyes.

What techniques are you using to help manage your anxiety?

09-11-21, 20:00
Thank you. Yes I really need to limit myself on how many times. I'm seeing dr on friday so will so her the readings then and see what she has to say.

I'm having CBT to manage anxiety and it is helping a little but not as much as I'd like. Do you have any tips?

bin tenn
12-11-21, 04:35
Thank you. Yes I really need to limit myself on how many times. I'm seeing dr on friday so will so her the readings then and see what she has to say.

I'm having CBT to manage anxiety and it is helping a little but not as much as I'd like. Do you have any tips?

Therapy is a process, it takes time (varies from person to person) and plenty of conscious effort. Keep working at it. It can feel frustrating and unmotivating when we have setbacks, but persistence is key.

As for the BP readings, I agree those are quite reasonable. Nothing to be concerned about. Your doctor can advise further though. There are a lot of factors that impact BP, so maybe it's worth evaluating your daily (evening) habits to see if something may be causing the readings to be higher compared to earlier in the day?