View Full Version : Desperately trying to get my HA in check during husbands Vasectomy complications

10-11-21, 02:56
I feel like my title alone is a shit show.

Ive suffered from HA since 2012. I have put my husband through the wringer with my worries, depression, and HA freakouts as I like to call them.
Back in 2016 I posted on Anxiety Zone about my mom having this lump on her neck and in the end it turned into cancer. She passed and all of my worst nightmares were confirmed. Since then my HA has been up and down. Ill go through periods of being ok to not be ok.

Here I am now... HA is already in hyperdrive. My husband got a vasectomy beginning of August of this year. Fast forward to 3 months later, and he is still suffering from groin pain and testicular pain post vasectomy. He had none of these problems prior. He went to the Urologist today who immediately told him this pain has nothing to do with the vasectomy and its something else. He ordered a CT and ultrasound. Both are not till December. His urologist didn't even offer any kind of explanation.
I am in full blown panic mode. Crying, freaking out. I am freaking out my husband who is usually as cool as a cucumber and does not get phased by anything.

I am trying so hard to be rational. His pain started after his vasectomy. I have read all day about post vasectomy pain syndrome (PVPS) and it is a real thing that affects 15% of males with vasectomies and urologists often dismiss it. Some men do not recover for years. While everything is SCREAMING at me this is what is going on....
My head keeps saying.... What if the doctor is right. What if this turns into the same thing that it did with your mom.
Why can't I stay sane enough for my partner during this time. I have 4 young kids and the thoughts going through my head are catastrophic.
Any advice is appreciated.

11-11-21, 09:25
I feel like my title alone is a shit show.

Ive suffered from HA since 2012. I have put my husband through the wringer with my worries, depression, and HA freakouts as I like to call them.
Back in 2016 I posted on Anxiety Zone about my mom having this lump on her neck and in the end it turned into cancer. She passed and all of my worst nightmares were confirmed. Since then my HA has been up and down. Ill go through periods of being ok to not be ok.

Here I am now... HA is already in hyperdrive. My husband got a vasectomy beginning of August of this year. Fast forward to 3 months later, and he is still suffering from groin pain and testicular pain post vasectomy. He had none of these problems prior. He went to the Urologist today who immediately told him this pain has nothing to do with the vasectomy and its something else. He ordered a CT and ultrasound. Both are not till December. His urologist didn't even offer any kind of explanation.
I am in full blown panic mode. Crying, freaking out. I am freaking out my husband who is usually as cool as a cucumber and does not get phased by anything.

I am trying so hard to be rational. His pain started after his vasectomy. I have read all day about post vasectomy pain syndrome (PVPS) and it is a real thing that affects 15% of males with vasectomies and urologists often dismiss it. Some men do not recover for years. While everything is SCREAMING at me this is what is going on....
My head keeps saying.... What if the doctor is right. What if this turns into the same thing that it did with your mom.
Why can't I stay sane enough for my partner during this time. I have 4 young kids and the thoughts going through my head are catastrophic.
Any advice is appreciated.

I am really sorry you are going through this. I think this situation would make a lot of people anxious let alone if you already suffer from anxiety. I am really sorry to hear about your mum.

I don’t know much about post vasectomy pain, but I think that there definitely is a large possibility this could be the cause of your husbands pain. I also think it is great that the doctor has decided to rule out anything else. It sounds as though your husband has only had these symptoms for a short time frame, so on the unlikely chance it was anything worrisome they will pick it up early and get it sorted. Remember with these kind of symptoms, they often get dismissed or people are embarrassed to get them checked out. So going ahead with the scans is really positive for peace of mind and to catch anything early if there was anything up!

Please try not to freak out. I am pretty confident that the scans will be fine and that this will pass on it’s own. But I am not a doctor so it’s far more important to get a doctor to look at this and give you a definite answer. Even tho it’s really hard to deal with right now, long term you will be relieved that your husband had the scan done.