View Full Version : Med ratings for panic and disorder + a short story of my Panic probs!

17-11-07, 11:56
like most people who peruse this site...the daily ritual of browsing the internet and typing in Panic disorder panic attacks etc seems to be like ground hog day.
i found a site where users post there ratings about panic medication etc.......

i think it may be useful for giving the no-meds people a bit of info on each med and what they can do or not do for one another. here is the link:


there are about 167 pages to look at peoples reviews of certain medications and how they faired on them.

I did find an amusing site on exercising and panic attacks / panic disorder.

a little about me....
I have no financial worries, and dont have any under lying issues which cause anxiety and panic. my anxiety is completely out of the blue and for no reason... making me think the disorder is biological rather than psychological... I do not worry im having a heart attack and full understand the fight or flight response. I do not suffer from palpitations etc..

I started suffering from panic attacks when i was about 15... I had really bad bout of flu.... one day i fell asleep at around 2pm and woke up at around 5 in a mess... panic attacks etc..(first ones are always the worst as you dont know what the hell is happening with you!)..after that i suffered immensely for about 4 months.. it played havoc with my exams... the anxiety slowly weened over the year and then in oct i started millitary training.....

the only time i have been panic attack free for an extended period of time was whilst i was going through millitary training... getting up at 6am, lots and lots of running, swimming, getting beasted etc.... after training i was panic free for a year or more!!--whether it was the exercise or the fact that my mind had been focused on something else is a topic for debate...had a minor set back after a year but got shot of the anxious feelings in a week and then was basically panic free for 6 years,,,

but to put things in perspective.. i have not been physically active for 3 years now...now and again i will go for a one off run with the plan of a new regime but never follow it through.. lol anyway to cut a long story short my anxiety / panic has become so bad that I had to give in and visit the doctors (previously hadnt visited the doctors for 8 years) -- i even had to re register at the practice.

I would perceive myself to be a "macho" man so felt foolish speaking to a doctor.... the first doctor i saw had a draconion attitude(- pull your self together boy!)... and gave me the impression that he needed to rush me through to see his quota of patients... I was issued with citalopram.. unfortunately it gave me the runs and nausea...and i could not orgasm whatsoever..and found it difficult to raise the flag lol... so i used to take half a viagra to assist... i even had to fake an orgasm lol...(must be the only man to do tht) after 3 weeks i discontiuned the citalopram.
i revisted the practice and saw another doctor.. he was great... very supportive and spent time going through things.. he opted for an older drug called dosupline at 75mg... well its not worked yet.. but only on day 2 of week 3..the plan is to augment the pills with a regime of running and weights..... to see if it really works... im thinking the more serotonin i produce the more it will be inhibited by the meds ie will remain where its supposed to.

sorry for the essay..seems i must be on auto pilot.... l just hoping i can shift this crap.. so i can crack on with my life as normal....this particular bout has now lasted for 3 months !!