View Full Version : My best friend is grieving

10-11-21, 22:31
Hi guys,
My best friend lost her mum a few weeks ago and whilst the few days after her mum died she was in contact with me, now if I text or call, there is no reply and she doesn’t want to speak. I don’t want to seem ignorant and like it’s all about me but I’m worried that I’ve upset her or haven’t done enough as a friend for her. Has anyone been through similar and can give me any tips?

11-11-21, 15:55
I would say give her some space and just contact her every-other-day to let her know she is in your thoughts. Sometimes a text that isn't open ended and let her know she doesn't need to reply takes away pressure. I'm sorry and I wish you both well during this time.

12-11-21, 16:19
I think in the first few days you can be in shock and still kind of behave normally. Then it hits you a bit. I didn’t want to talk to people really.

What I did appreciate were cards, especially when people wrote memories about my parents in them, it was like holding a piece of treasure.

Just let her know you will always be there & that you are thinking of her. Maybe drop her some snacks or treats round?

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12-11-21, 18:02
Excellent advice from Scass and Scissel..Please don't take it personally, Katy? It's really hard to cope with grief, especially very recent grief. I just wanted to be left alone. After all..what can anyone possibly say to make things "better"? She'll know you care and she'll appreciate being allowed to have some space if she needs it.

12-11-21, 18:31
Hi katyfitz, I agree with what the above have said. Takes time. Take care x