View Full Version : How often do you check your mouth?

11-11-21, 04:23
How often do you shine a flashlight into your mouth and look at the tongue and inside mouth? That isn’t normal behavior right?

I’ve been trying hard not to do self-check because of anxiety. I just saw my dentist for genetic cleaning 6 weeks ago. I also saw an ENT for some other issue and she also checked inside my mouth. That was 3 weeks ago. I would assume if anything suspicious on my tongue or inside my mouth, they would have the duty to tell me even though it’s not the issue I came to see them for, right? Am I safe for not checking my mouth for lumps?

My next check up for cleaning is 3 months away. I just noticed the top of my tongue is white. I don’t know what to look for but the tongue is ugly looking and so inside of the mouth. I might have to go back to the dentist if this is thrust. Then I started notice the little bumps (hopefully tastebuds) not exactly symmetric on both sides of the tongue. And then anxiety kicked in with all the whatif.

A few years ago when I didn’t have anxiety. There was a period that I didn’t go to the dentist for 3 years and I did fine. I don’t know how I can get back to that mentality of not worrying. 😩

Thanks for reading my rant. My doctor knows my anxiety so she told me don’t do breast exam monthly. Just keep up with my yearly mammogram and if I feel any symptoms, come to see her. She would do the exam for me. That helps me with breast exam. I still don’t know how to overcome the mouth exam thing.

11-11-21, 05:19
I think you are completely safe to not examine the inside of your mouth until your cleaning. ☺️ But, I do the same thing a lot and so I understand the compulsion!

11-11-21, 09:29
Weirdly this isn’t something I check often. But I do go through phases of panicking about a white layer on my tongue. I think it is actually quite normal and lots of people have it.

Have you tried brushing your tounge regularly???

The fact you’ve been to the dentist should reassure you. I think not checking until your next appointment is a good goal to work towards. Maybe when you have your appointment you can mention the white layer and they will be able to explain it to you and why they aren’t worried. This might help you longer term.