View Full Version : Constantly weighing myself

11-11-21, 10:54

How can I stop weighing myself every time I go to the bathroom. The scales are not mine so I cannot get rid of them. I feel my weight is slowly increasing and I am worried, it flcuatuates about 2-3 pounds a day which I know is normal but overall it seems to be increasing. Maybe I am overthinking I don't know


11-11-21, 11:24
Reduce the habit bit by bit - if its every time you enter the bathroom then only allow yourself a weigh-in once every other time, then only once every day, then every two days etc. It will feel uncomfortable when you are firm with yourself every time you make the reduction, but don't be tempted to allow your habit to make you do the weighing more often than is necessary and helpful. I would think the aim is to get to weighing once weekly.

11-11-21, 11:51
Reduce the habit bit by bit - if its every time you enter the bathroom then only allow yourself a weigh-in once every other time, then only once every day, then every two days etc. It will feel uncomfortable when you are firm with yourself every time you make the reduction, but don't be tempted to allow your habit to make you do the weighing more often than is necessary and helpful. I would think the aim is to get to weighing once weekly.

It's mainly when I'm brushing my teeth, I start walking around the bathroom and then step on the scales. I slight weight increase isn't that detrimental to me but I don't want it to constantly keep on going up.

11-11-21, 12:06
You won't get a true reading by doing it as regularly as you are - as you point out there are natural fluctuations over days and during days. What you are looking for is a general trend and that can be taken over weekly over a number of weeks. So, Matthew, you do you need to reduce your habit as I suggested above. So, if you then find out your weigh is increasing - its an easy fix isn't it :) This is just another 'body checking behaviour' similar to the others that you can see in your threads.

11-11-21, 12:16
You won't get a true reading by doing it as regularly as you are - as you point out there are natural fluctuations over days and during days. What you are looking for is a general trend and that can be taken over weekly over a number of weeks. So, Matthew, you do you need to reduce your habit as I suggested above. So, if you then find out your weigh is increasing - its an easy fix isn't it :) This is just another 'body checking behaviour' similar to the others that you can see in your threads.

I do need to reduce it, its the just fact the scales are always there. If they were mine i'd probably chuck them out the window. Thanks for the help.