View Full Version : Accepting high risk for skin cancer

11-11-21, 17:32
I had a severely dysplastic mole removed from my toe earlier this year. It was small and looked nothing like the atypical moles online but I saw the middle had got a darker spot . In fact most of it was a normal mole with a small bit that was severely dysplastic. I just noticed a tiny pin prick darker spot in another mole between my toes this week and my dermo took a biopsy today as she knows it makes me anxious and it looks a bit like the other one - so now another 2 week wait. I suspect it will come back as dysplastic /severely dysplastic as it looked pretty similar. What on earth is going on with my feet !!!!!! I know current understanding is that dysplastic moles even severely dysplastic ones are not ‘precancerous’ as such only have a slight higher chance of becoming cancerous.

I have quite a few moles (though I do not have any large irregular looking ones that are typical of atypical moles ) light skin and blue eyes so I fit the high risk category - even more with these funny moles changes that have happened this year (I am 43). I am very careful in the sun now but was not when I was younger though I never had a blistering sun burn. Any advice on acceptance of this high risk. I am very vigilant about my skin and check myself and go for check ups but I am still terrified of my skin and convinced I will eventually get Melanoma. I hate that I live in super sunny texas (Scottish originally) and try to avoid the sun for more than 6 months of the year . I have a friend that has a dysplastic mole out that still sunbathes and I am like a vampire. I never leave the house without sunscreen and cover up when I can. I am always worrying about my skin and skip around worrying about particular moles taking loads of photos until I convince myself they are okay and not changing but then i move onto another mole.

I know I will be distressed when this mole most likely comes back dysplastic too thinking my risk of melanoma is just getting higher and higher.

How horrible to have this sort of health anxiety. I am sure a lot of you understand. I don’t want to spend my life worrying about it.

11-11-21, 22:18
Oh my gosh are you me?!? I’m 41 and in the exact same boat. Light hair and eyes and a history of not being super safe in the sun in my teens and twenties. However thankfully my parents put tons of sunscreen on me when I was kid! I have had six moles removed and no cancer but I feel like a ticking time bomb! I get skin checks religiously every year but I still worry and constantly check my skin. What else can we do? I told my husband this morning that I wish he was a dermatologist so he could give me reassurance 🤣. Feel free to PM me anytime!

11-11-21, 22:52
Oh and I just wanted to also say - you are doing everything you possibly can to avoid skin cancer. And about 99% of people out there do nothing so take comfort in that. If anything comes up they will catch it early!

12-11-21, 17:50
Thanks for your reply. We do sound pretty similar. This is my second biopsy -I have just become super scared of my skin. Has your anxiety about it reduced with time ?

13-11-21, 00:43
It comes and goes. Getting checked every year has def helped keep it in perspective. But there have been times I have been an absolute mess about it. But, like I said, by getting checked out regularly we are doing more than the vast majority are. Hang in there and let me know how your biopsy comes out…though I’m sure it will be fine!