View Full Version : Throbbing pain side of head. Terrified.

12-11-21, 05:25
I feel silly for posting this but my over active mind has gone into overdrive. Earlier today I had a blood test and the nurse who took the blood was a trainee. He wasn't able to draw blood from one arm (which apparently can happen) so he drew blood from the vein in the other arm. I asked him if there was something wrong with me and he said no but went on to say that my vein collapsed when he tried the first time. That comment completely freaked me out.
When I came home, I started feeling a throbbing pain on and off one side of my head and I'm now worried that maybe he injected an air bubble and something awful will happen to me. Please someone help me. I've been so good with my HA for a long time and now I'm completely petrified. Thanks in advance for your replies.

12-11-21, 08:47
Is anyone reading this that can help me with my anxiety over this matter? Please :-(

12-11-21, 08:59
Honestly, it sounds like a stressful experience and as though the headache might be a reaction to that.

12-11-21, 09:11
Thank you for your reply. It was a stressful experience. Infact I have been stressed the last day or so around other matters. It’s abit better now but still there :-(

12-11-21, 13:14
I think the headache is a reaction to your experience. I have Haemochromatosis and have to have blood taken frequently (its genetic and the only treatment is giving blood). Anyway they quite often can't get my vein on one side. If you were cold the veins can shrink. Sometimes I have to put a heat pack on my arm for them to find the vein. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Hope that helps x

13-11-21, 00:10
I think the headache is a reaction to your experience. I have Haemochromatosis and have to have blood taken frequently (its genetic and the only treatment is giving blood). Anyway they quite often can't get my vein on one side. If you were cold the veins can shrink. Sometimes I have to put a heat pack on my arm for them to find the vein. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Hope that helps x

thank you for your reply. I’m abit better today but can still feel feel a mild twinge. I’m assuming that if an air bubble was injected I wouldn’t be on here writing now. Atleast that’s what I’m hoping. I think yesterday’s experience freaked me out more than I thought it would :weep:

13-11-21, 14:22
I’m assuming that if an air bubble was injected I wouldn’t be on here writing now.

You assume correctly I should think. No stroke or heart attack and the head pain is improving ;). It sounds stressful and tension in the facial and temple muscles can cause quite painful acute reactions