View Full Version : Full Blown Panic Mode, Colorectal Surgeon Referral

12-11-21, 11:25
So for the past couple of months I’ve experienced rectal bleeding when passing a bowel motion.

I saw my GP and she diagnosed internal piles and a possible tear. I was sent away with some suppositories and stool softener.

However the bleeding continues, particularly when I’m dehydrated and have eaten less fibre.

I’m fortunate enough to have private health insurance and spoke to a nurse today, she’s recommended a referral to a colorectal surgeon. Now I’m panic stricken, I’m so concerned about bowel cancer and I’m sure I’ve got cancer. I don’t know if I’m brave enough to go through with the referral.

I had breast cancer 10 years ago and I cannot face another cancer diagnosis and treatment.

12-11-21, 11:59
It is mostly likely the hemorrhoids causing the bleeding but the doctor has to cover herself. I had a colonoscopy about seven years ago when I had bleeding and all was fine. I’m sure yours will turn out the same way too, don’t worry.

12-11-21, 13:56
I would go through with the private referral. You're not going to be able to accept the piles diagnosis yourself. You need to steel yourself and see what the colorectal surgeon says/suggests. It's a far better option than constant rumination and fear of the worst case scenario. You need to know and I think you are justified in wanting a specialist's opinion even if it is "just" piles. You have already been through such a lot. I would want this option too xx

12-11-21, 20:05
It is mostly likely the hemorrhoids causing the bleeding but the doctor has to cover herself. I had a colonoscopy about seven years ago when I had bleeding and all was fine. I’m sure yours will turn out the same way too, don’t worry.

Thank you, I’m sure it is just haemorrhoids. Just need to put my mind at rest.

12-11-21, 20:07
I would go through with the private referral. You're not going to be able to accept the piles diagnosis yourself. You need to steel yourself and see what the colorectal surgeon says/suggests. It's a far better option than constant rumination and fear of the worst case scenario. You need to know and I think you are justified in wanting a specialist's opinion even if it is "just" piles. You have already been through such a lot. I would want this option too xx

Thank you. I know for my own peace of mind I need to get further advice. It’s extra difficult when you’ve already been through a cancer diagnosis. Everyone thinks it’s something which happens to other people and it’s a massive shock when it happens to you.

12-11-21, 21:04
Thank you. I know for my own peace of mind I need to get further advice. It’s extra difficult when you’ve already been through a cancer diagnosis. Everyone thinks it’s something which happens to other people and it’s a massive shock when it happens to you.

I'm sure it must be. You are doing the right thing. Get an appointment booked and then at least you are doing something to help yourself. It must be hell living under this perceived threat. I hope you soon get the reassurance you need from an expert x

13-11-21, 11:01
I'm sure it must be. You are doing the right thing. Get an appointment booked and then at least you are doing something to help yourself. It must be hell living under this perceived threat. I hope you soon get the reassurance you need from an expert x

Hopefully! x

27-11-21, 20:22

Yes I’m still struggling with pile symptoms. I am currently awaiting a flexible sigmoidoscopy, my doctor has diagnosed internal piles but I’m
not convinced. I’ve been trying various things to get rid of them but they are still bleeding :(

Does anyone have any good tips? I’ve tried creams and suppositories but found them of limited use.

If I could ease the symptoms I might be able to put my mind at rest.

28-11-21, 14:23

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