View Full Version : 3 year old boy ill since September

12-11-21, 11:26
Just wondering if any other parents can relate. My 3 year old son and 1 year old daughter got covid start or September. He was worse with it but both recovered after a couple of weeks. He then starts nursery and gets another cough. Week later stomach pains, vomiting and diarrhea and after a couple of weeks of this is finally diagnosed with water infection. Antibiotics clear it up and for a few days he's normal. Then last Monday they both get another virus but again he is worse with it gets a chest infection and goes back on antibiotics. The chest infection has cleared up but he still isn't right and today is complaining of stomach pains again and has temperature and had a bit of diarrhea in the night. He's hardly been in nursery because he's always ill but when he has been in this week the teachers said he was just tired and lying down all the time. I don't know if he is just having bad luck or if there is an underlying condition but we are waiting for a doctors appointment again. Please tell me someone can relate to this I'm going out of my mind.

12-11-21, 16:16
I can sort of relate. My daughter started nursery at the same time of year and the same age. She caught so many bugs, viruses and infections in the first 6 months. It’ll die down again though. I remember the nursery manager telling me that these things go on until about Easter and then you’ll get a break!

It’s horrible when they are constantly getting ill, it seems relentless, but I’ve seen quite a few posts about this over the years and I know that it worried me too.

At that age there’s no telling them to not stick their fingers in their mouths or socially distance.

Hope your son is better soon. It might be that the antibiotics are affecting his tummy a bit.

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12-11-21, 16:39
Thank you very much for replying. I did think that about the antibiotics affecting his tummy. Had another doctors appointment this afternoon and he has a throat and ear infection now as well so on his 3rd course of antibiotics in 3 or 4 weeks. Not fun. He's not eating much as well. Doctor said the tummy pains are likely from swollen glands in his tummy because of his illness. Just really hoping these antibiotics work this time and we don't have to worry anymore. God I miss the days when I was worried about my own health 😂

12-11-21, 17:10
All three of my children were constantly sick when they first started daycare, like constantly! Very normal. Hang in there!!

12-11-21, 18:36
I hope its normal. Thanks for your reply.

12-11-21, 19:39
Doctor said the tummy pains are likely from swollen glands in his tummy because of his illness.

I was about to reply and say just this. My daughter (now in her 20s) got awful stomach problems from any minor illness like a cold. She's actually never had a stomach bug in her life, but had horrible stomach pain, couldn't eat and would vomit from the swollen stomach glands (which was a response to the other virus she had). She was diagnosed at a young age with this problem, and I was told that often children grow out of it by 7 or 8 years old - as it happens - she didn't (which is unusual) and still gets it now. What is different though is that she doesn't pick up loads of colds and illnesses at her age, but at the age of your son it was practically constant. I think the children this year are all going to struggle just that wee bit more with these minor conditions, as experts predicted, due to the covid isolation from immunity strengthening exposures. Also, you know how it is once immune systems are stretched as his must have been with covid, you can go down with things more often.

12-11-21, 20:18
Thanks Carys and thanks for telling me about your daughter its reassuring. I keep trying to think logically but seeing him struggling for so long is taking its toll on my mental state and just keep thinking the worst. What you've said is what I try telling myself as well but irrational thinking sometimes gets in the way. I know his immune system has taken a beating because of his COVID, lack of mixing with other kids for months, now full time in nursery with a lot of viruses making a return with vengeance but he just seems to be having it worse than other kids. I'm keeping everything crossed that this latest batch of antibiotics do the trick and he's staying away from nursery for at least 10 days or until he's better.

12-11-21, 20:27
I do feel for you, it is not nice witnessing a child being so ill with things on and off at a young age - and I know you are saying all the right things to yourself - but as parents of course we will worry and I can't deny that I would too. Did you mention to the GP that this seemed to be a series of things for quite a few weeks and ask an opinion ? (all seemingly unrelated)

P.S. I read back and saw that Diahorrea came with the stomach pains and so on - my girl had the same with this condition, so you could remove the stomach problems from the equation as they are symptomatic of having other viruses/infections. just found a link for you -


12-11-21, 20:51
Yes we told the GP everything and said its been going on since September. He was quite good to be fair one of the better ones we've seen recently and explained himself well and gave logical reasoning behind all the issues. He said this isn't the only case like this he's seen recently anyway. He said if things continue after this course then he may do some bloods and refer to a paediatrician but said it would mainly be for our peace of mind. That was the term he used Adenitis so yes seems like the same condition thanks for the link. I suppose I should get used to him complaining about stomach pains in that case 🙃

12-11-21, 20:59
Oh good, so he was on the ball and will check further, if its needed, beyond this point. Thats nice to hear and hopefully it won't be needed, but you have a strategy there ready.

I suppose I should get used to him complaining about stomach pains in that case ��

Yup definitely, you'll be a pro in a few years with knowing what is M Adenitis and what isn't. I just hope you don't end up like me with a 20 something year old still being the same, even with a cold LOL

Let us know how things go, wishing you sucessful antibiotics and a nice restful healing time for your little one.

12-11-21, 21:13
Thanks Carys you've been a great help

13-11-21, 01:45
Oh good, so he was on the ball and will check further, if its needed, beyond this point. Thats nice to hear and hopefully it won't be needed, but you have a strategy there ready.

Yup definitely, you'll be a pro in a few years with knowing what is M Adenitis and what isn't. I just hope you don't end up like me with a 20 something year old still being the same, even with a cold LOL

Let us know how things go, wishing you sucessful antibiotics and a nice restful healing time for your little one.

My daughter actually has the same, although it hasn’t been diagnosed it has been mentioned. She’s nearly 8 now, and gets tummy aches as soon as she’s ill, particularly if a fever is involved. Horrid to see them go through it. Sorry your daughter still has it C x

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15-11-21, 09:37
My daughter had a period like this after starting daycare (initially fine then boom!) & my youngest son now. My daughter was ill every 2 weeks for about 8 months, just viruses but was a rough period with a few A&E visits so I understand how you feel.

Good thing is it passed & now we actually call her "the iron lady" because she rarely gets ill now. I think kids often have periods like this when building up immunity.

All 3 of my kids react differently to illness, one gets a cough that lasts weeks, one gets high fever & one pours with snott for weeks so it's probably just your sons version is stomach issues.

Hope it passes quick

15-11-21, 13:12
Thanks Tom Tom

I hear this from a lot of parents now but for some reason I always believe my situation is worse but I know that is irrational thinking as I don't know what everyone else goes through and clearly my anxiety isn't helping the worries. It's just he's been ill a lot for 2 and a half months now and lost a lot of weight as well due to loss of appetite. Keeping my fingers crossed hes better soon but thanks for your reply and glad to hear your kids are well.

17-11-21, 02:08
I have two boys; 6 and 4. They both got sick in August and it was like a sickness that wouldn’t go away. They would sort of get better and then get worse again. The younger one had croup and we were up all night with him several nights. The older one started getting pretty bad diarrhea to the point where we couldn’t take him to school. I never got to the bottom of what it was….but the both started getting better for good around October and are perfectly fine now. I know it’s not the exact same thing; but I can relate. It sucks when your kids get sick like that, but they will bounce back!

22-11-21, 13:01
I thought I'd update people on this. Things got better then got worse. He was given a weeks course of antibiotics which really seemed to do the trick. Illness symptoms pretty much subsided and he was eating so much we was literally running out of food at times. Then yesterday morning a bit of a cough starts again, which progressed to a full on night of coughing fits and then this morning had high temperature again. Back to the doctors who examined him and said she could 'maybe hear something in lower right chest', she was going to prescribe more antibiotics but we put it on her a bit and she referred us to A&E and awaiting an Xray. I'm really worried now, she said she didn't know if it was just consecutive infections or if the original wasn't clearing. He was off nursery all week apart from Friday morning so he could have picked something up again then but this is just relentless and exhausting. I've cried many times today and I'm worried sick. I'm clinging to the fact he has been getting better in-between these illnesses as a positive sign of nothing too serious. His younger sister seemed like she had a little bit of a sniffle and cough this morning too so it may be he's caught something else. I'm keeping everything crossed.

22-11-21, 16:26
I thought I'd update people on this. Things got better then got worse. He was given a weeks course of antibiotics which really seemed to do the trick. Illness symptoms pretty much subsided and he was eating so much we was literally running out of food at times. Then yesterday morning a bit of a cough starts again, which progressed to a full on night of coughing fits and then this morning had high temperature again. Back to the doctors who examined him and said she could 'maybe hear something in lower right chest', she was going to prescribe more antibiotics but we put it on her a bit and she referred us to A&E and awaiting an Xray. I'm really worried now, she said she didn't know if it was just consecutive infections or if the original wasn't clearing. He was off nursery all week apart from Friday morning so he could have picked something up again then but this is just relentless and exhausting. I've cried many times today and I'm worried sick. I'm clinging to the fact he has been getting better in-between these illnesses as a positive sign of nothing too serious. His younger sister seemed like she had a little bit of a sniffle and cough this morning too so it may be he's caught something else. I'm keeping everything crossed.

Well I hope all is well, I’m sure it will be.

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22-11-21, 17:31
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that you have another illness to content with - you are right though, he does get better in between and so clearly there is the ability to be well again. Do let us know how the A and E/Xray thing goes !

22-11-21, 21:10
So his X Ray was fine thankfully. No antibiotics this time just some kind of inhaler to help open up his airways. Seems like he got another viral infection somehow because he's hardly been out and this is causing the issue now. A paediatric doctor said it was normal for them to be ill this often. I'm surprised by that but she checked him over and was confident. We just have to give him his inhaler now and hope it helps his breathing. He's been doing much better this afternoon. Man this is exhausting 😴

22-11-21, 22:18
OH great, hes had a good check over - thats a relief for you. I think you made the right call to go up the hospital and explain everything to the doctor there. You'd only have been extra worried without that check-up, AND you've saved an unneccessary course of antibiotics ! I wonder - you know - you hear of adults who were really under the weather for ages after Covid, can children have the same ?

23-11-21, 01:54
Oh Adam, just wanted to say I totally sympathize with you. When my daughter was little and in preschool, it felt like she spent two full years sick - everything from flu bugs to ear infections to strep throat. I didn’t think we’d ever come out the other side of it.

On the bright side - she’s now 22, and is hardly ever sick. Maybe a head cold once a year. So it does get better!!!

23-11-21, 22:36
Hi, my little granddaughter is the same. She holds the family record for Covid tests, never had a positive one.

One thing I DID learn which I don't remember from being a parent of toddlers is that after any tummy upset she has become temporarily lactose intolerant. My daughter was told by her GP that this is completely normal - first I'd ever heard of it! We find that keeping her off dairy for a couple of weeks works wonders. (She's half French and adores cheese so it's not easy!!) Hope you are reassured. x

24-11-21, 15:47
Thanks for your comments guys. Looking back I think covid has affected his immune system and never recovered properly. We did take him off dairy for a week or so as we'd heard the same, can't really say whether it helped or not but this time round he doesn't have any stomach pains anyway which is good just a bad cough and breathing issues. It is hard to believe how ill he has been is common but hearing your stories has been really reassuring.