View Full Version : Freaking out over one sided throat and ear pain

13-11-21, 15:47
So for the last 2 weeks I’ve had a pain in the right side back of throat that seems to shoot into my ear . It only happens when I swallow and it isn’t very painful maybe a 1/10 but I was stupid and googled and now have convinced myself I have throat cancer or something sinister. I’ve started obsessing over this and going so far as to go into the Cancer forums and it freaks me out even worse. Has anybody else had this problem ? By the way I’m a 38 year old male with Type 2 Diabetes

13-11-21, 18:31

15-11-21, 09:08
I've had sore throat issues on off for years, throat stuff runs in my family (most have tonsils out), was on the waiting list to have tonsils out 3 years back as I got an abscess once. Haven't had problems since & managed to manage it quite ok although I still live in fear of another abscess :)
ENT said your tonsils can get scaring from having strep/viruses & that can make it easier to reinfect or why one side can be a problem & not the other. My right tonsils is always my problem side (have 2 wisdom teeth on that side too) because thats where I have scaring from the abscess. They also said tonsils are like a punchbag for the rest of your body, they catch virus & bacteria so they don't get into the body & as a result they can get pretty beaten up over the years.

Try gargling warm (boiled then cooled down) salt water every hour for a couple of days, normally helps me, also constantly swallowing to check if it still hurts always made mine worst!

Good luck!