View Full Version : Suffocating, or drowning in my own body

13-11-21, 21:20
Hey all, I'm in a bit of a mess. I've been on 40mg citalopram for 5 years now, and it's basically been okay over that time. I've had ups and downs of course, but nothing unmanageable.

Yesterday, I began feeling a bit lost on my own world. It felt like everything was crumbling, and I was failing. Anything and everything was going wrong for me. By late afternoon I was a crying, paralysed mess on the floor as my husband came home from work. Luckily my 2 year old was napping... I was having cold sweats, I couldn't breathe, I hurt in every single joint and muscle in my body, my head was pounding like it was about to explode, I felt dizzy and light headed like I was about to pass out. I managed a somewhat okay night, after having shitty message from my employer about not going into work last night, my husband contacted them and had dealt with them since, to explain to them exactly where I'm at. today, I'm better but still having waves of all the above feelings, they come fiercely but then fade away. I'm filled with fear about facing anyone, I feel ashamed and embarrassed, I'm not at work tonight either but come Monday I imagine I will be but I'm scared what I'll face. I have never ever in my life has this before, I've been sick today, unable to keep food down. I don't know what to do, I'm drowning in my own body. I do have a supportive family, but I'm still embarrassed about this. What's happening? And why? What is this?

13-11-21, 22:37
Is there anything that precipitated this crisis ? Anything in your life that has changed or a background worry ?

14-11-21, 08:11
Not that I can identify specifically, so Friday I had plans to take my friend and our toddlers for a day out bit en route my car broke so had to be rushed to a garage. They needed it a couple of hours, so we got a taxi to my friend's house. We nipped shop, then went McDonalds for lunch then soft play after that. Then I went home. Throughout the entire day I felt increasingly "wobbly", fighting tears a couple of times then at home, my boy had a nap and I broke down. That's when it started, but there didn't seem a specific trigger. Work we're shitty with me Friday night but that was after all this started. Maybe that's what's bothering me, the fact I can't identify what's done this? And why it's happening? X

20-11-21, 21:56
How are you now ?

20-11-21, 22:51
Sounds like an anxiety attack to me

23-12-21, 15:56
Up and down to be honest, doctor gave me some teachers to help sleeping because I haven't been... I started them 2 nights ago and so far they do nothing to help me and if anything make me feel more anxious about the fact they're not fixing me. They certainly don't help sleep. I've got another review with my doctor on the 29th December