View Full Version : Stomach Problems and Anxiety

14-11-21, 11:08
Hi, I am a health anxiety sufferer who has also had bouts of depression. Over the years I have managed to keep it mainly in check and had CBT for it last year.

Recently I have had a bad recurrance of HA as I have been having some stomach issues - belching mainly but in the last week also a churning/sick feeling in the stomach several days. Yesterday I had what I think may have been a panic attack when I really felt quite ill and had to sit down for a while as I was outside at the time.

Obviously my worries about my health that these issues have started revolve around my usual cancer fears, exacerbated by finding that eg stomach cancer can be a cause of such issues (thank you Dr Google !). Also of course I know that anxiety itself can cause stomach issues which is what I keep telling myself.

I have had some health problems such as Kidney Stones and had Testicular Cancer 4 years ago which was successfully cured fortunately. As part as treatment for these issues I have had several CT Scans, the last one was a CT Scan KBU last December which I hope would have found any abdominal issues.

I suppose I'm hoping to get some feedback from other people who have similar symptoms caused by anxiety and how they deal with them.

14-11-21, 11:29
A few years ago I was getting pain on my left side just below my ribs. My health anxiety is mostly over other people rather than myself but I did go to the GP for reassurance. She even arranged an ultrasound as I was concerned due to my dad dying from cancer. I did tell her I was pretty sure it was anxiety but the scan provided reassurance that lasted. I do still get the pain intermittently (and also other aches and pains plus heart palpitations) but am able to think it's "just" anxiety and that calms me. I know that's not always easy as I absolutely can't be reassured over my contamination fears and my kids' health, but for some reason I not so fussed about myself.

I'm trying to think what my thought process is when I get these pains. I do deep, slow breathing and repeatedly say to myself it's only anxiety, let it go. In your case your scans will pick up any issues early on and you say yourself you had a scan last year. CT imaging picks up all sorts and I think you have to try to focus on the fact it didn't.

15-11-21, 08:40
Thanks for the feedback. I am getting some CBT which will hopefully help again - I just feel a bit down that I don't seem to be able to use the lessons I learnt last time now.

My doctor also thinks I should go back on another anti-depressant such as Escitalopram but I am a bit wary as last time the first month was dreadful before the pills kicked in.