View Full Version : Foul taste back of throat

16-11-21, 19:30
Hi all. For about a month, I’ve had this weird taste in the back of my mouth. I can usually taste it when I’ve sniffed up phlegm, if that makes sense? I don’t get it when I cough and it comes and goes.

The taste itself is weird. I’d probably describe it as “bacterial”. I’m worried it’s something serious. Has anyone else had this or know what it could be?! Thank you.

19-12-21, 17:43
I have this and have had it for years now! But I found out what it was and how to manage it. It’ll most likely be tonsil stones. They are absolutely gross! Look at your tonsils at the back of your throat and you may see white spots and if you can’t give them a squeeze and they’ll pop out. I just use a cotton bud and push on them and these little white pus balls come out. Whatever you do, DON’T squash or smell them!! 🤮 It’s absolutely revolting but as far as I’m aware they don’t go away. At roughly the same time I developed a dairy intolerance and dairy definitely makes them worse! I have to get rid of them about once a month now but when I was having dairy it would be around twice a week! Good luck!

23-12-21, 14:48
Sounds very likely like tonsil stones or post nasal drip ( the drip can cause tonsil stones).