View Full Version : Has anything actually helped soothe your HA?

17-11-21, 00:29
I am currently showing some symptoms consistent with ALS and have been in a downward mental spiral ever since. It takes weeks to wait on getting doctors appointments and testing set up and in the mean time I feel like I can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t concentrate on anything. It has been miserable.

Have any of you been able to do anything that actually found some relief for your HA? Has anyone tried SSRIs for anxiety or CBD or some other natural remedy and how did that work?

17-11-21, 05:18
I was reluctant to take an SSRI after a bad experience in my twenties (20 years ago) but a few years back my HA got so crippling that I was harming my marriage and risking making a real fool of myself with the constant self-checking. CBT worked, but only for a year or so at a time. Going back on a different SSRI was a game changer for me, it helped me employ all those useful self-care strategies by putting a dimmer switch on the terrified thoughts. It's all still there, it's just so much easier to manage and dismiss. The difference in my life has been like night and day.

17-11-21, 09:52
I'm currently having hypnotherapy for my anxiety. It is starting to offer some relief at the time as I'm finally able to relax a little. Going for a walk and playing the piano also help me have a break from it (unfortunately very quickly returns when my mind isn't totally occupied). I'm waiting for CBT for both anxiety and contamination OCD.

I was prescribed paroxetine. I've not taken it yet though as I've always been reluctant to add to all the migraine meds I take, but I think I may just have to bite the bullet on that one.

17-11-21, 21:48
Hi. Sorry you are feeling like this. I totally sympathise. My grandad had ALS so it scares me too. I am having CBT at the moment. It's up and down but is definitely giving me the tools to deal with the anxiety (mainly HA). Do you read? Reading helps me greatly. Dr Claire Weekes 'self help for your nerves' is my go to book for when I'm super anxious. I've recently read 'Dare' which I found helpful. Also 'help me I'm a hyperchondriac'. I won't tell you you to not worry (if only), but chances are very much in your favour that you don't have ALS. Definitely getting out in the fresh air everyday is beneficial.