View Full Version : Feel like I'm losing my mind... please help

17-11-21, 05:53
The other day I felt like I had saddle numbness (around the thighs and groin - not actually numb but just a reduced sensation feeling) and started freaking out about cauda equina. At times I feel like the sensations are normal again and then at others I'm not sure - however for the last few days, I feel like I have lost the urge to urinate and I'm freaking out. Even if I drink a lot of water, I don't get that usual urge (and I usually need to pee all the time! from anxiety). If I press down on my bladder I can feel that I need to go but otherwise nothing, even when I do end up peeing out quite a bit. I'm really freaking out that this is either a spinal tumour, cauda equina or even a brain tumour. I have a lower spinal MRI booked tomorrow and am so scared of bad news, but I'm scared even if it's fine I'll worry this is all because of a brain tumour then. It all just came out of nowhere and I don't see how a tumour could just cause these things to pop up overnight but I'm so so scared - I have never felt like a reduced need to urinate from anxiety (it always makes me need to go more) so I'm really scared. The only thing I am trying to possibly reason with is that I'm meant to start my period soon and so maybe that's causing me to be a bit backed up (sorry if TMI) and maybe that's affecting urinary sensation but I'm not sure :(
I'm only 25 and feel like my life is ending..

17-11-21, 06:43
Really feeling like I am going crazy... need some reassurance :(

17-11-21, 07:06
What coping strategies are you employing?

17-11-21, 07:08
I do try and meditate but at this point I'm just finding things really difficult as I'm so convinced something is wrong that even that isn't working too well for me...

17-11-21, 07:19
Okay. For now, you're able to type coherently on a messageboard. Therefore, there's nothing that much wrong. If you were actually losing your mind you wouldn't be aware of it, you're just afraid and you have a few faulty thinking patterns. No biggy.

17-11-21, 07:26
I know, I have been through this so much before with anxiety. But I think this symptom is something that doesn't come up anywhere anxiety related when you google it - it only pops up on neurological defect websites relating to brain tumours and spinal tumours etc. I so badly just want to feel normal :( I even start worrying sometimes that this is linked to the vaccine (have read about Pfizer being linked to neurological issues), so I'm worried now this is the cause (even though I got the vax 6 weeks ago pretty much to the date that these symptoms started I still worry it's somehow related because who knows! everything is so unknown).

17-11-21, 07:41
Maybe stop looking at websites that trigger you?

18-11-21, 04:14
MRI in a few hours...freaking out. Now I even feel like my sense of taste has reduced - can anxiety really do this? I'm worried I have some horrible neurological or nerve issue :(

20-11-21, 08:19
So an update - my MRI did come back all clear, but I think that the past few weeks of stress have caused me to become emotionally numb. I have never really felt like this before and I'm scared that it won't ever go away - I can't feel happy, sad, angry, nothing... I have moments where I know I feel excited in my head about something, but I feel nothing physically, and vice versa - like before I stubbed my toe and it hurt, but I felt nothing in my brain. Or I got scared because of a loud sound and I knew it scared me, but again, I 'felt' nothing - I am now scared it is either:
1. Brain tumour in the emotional region
2. Emotional blunting from past few weeks of anxiety. But when I have had something like this before, I still had some small moments of normal feeling and now nothing - and I think that's why my sense of taste/smell feel reduced too, because I get no pleasure out of them.
It is really terrifying so if anyone has experienced this and knows what I can do, it would be a big help - ever since I started thinking about brain tumour I also feel like it's harder to think etc but I can't get out of this crazy loop. I don't even feel 'relief' or 'tired' anymore - literally just feeling nothing. Can this really just be anxiety?!

17-02-22, 18:34
Hey dim. Did this ever go away? What you experinced