View Full Version : Mentally drained and exhausted

17-11-21, 14:56
I feel like I'm reaching insanity point. I know I keep posting here that sounds like the same thing but I can't help it.

Every week goes by, my anxiety comes up with more reasons and insane beliefs about the things I'm anxious about. And I'm sick of it.

I'm sick of having to do a ritual every time I leave and enter my bedroom again.

I'm sick of having to do a ritual every time I go to bed.

I'm sick of, after every week, having to go through an anxiety attack because my anxious brain suddenly "pops" a new thought in that makes life all the more uncomfortable, and makes talking about it all the more difficult.

Its this freakin' pandemic! Its done nothing but ruin my life by making my anxiety worse through staying at home all the time! Though sometimes, maybe I feel its also my fault. But I've tried! I've been applying for countless jobs and never got through. I have been going out a bit more, finding a new therapist (as my previous one hasn't been very active) and I did get a weighted blanket from my aunt to help.

But I'm just mentally exhausted. I'm nearly out of anxiety energy. I don't want this any longer. I want an immediate solution. But as long as the pandemic goes on, I feel like I have no hope of recovering from the increased anxiety that started all the way back last year.

Sorry if my post came off as passive-aggressive, but sometimes, you need a good vent to let some of the frustrations out. Should I see my GP or something? I'm just sick of having to "wait" for a solution and having to fight off my anxiety in the meantime. I want to get better. And it has to be sooner rather than later. Thank you for your time

17-11-21, 18:15
Are you on any medication for you anxiety? Have you tried CBT? Yoga, meditation, any of these?

Talking to you GP would be a good start.

19-11-21, 14:15
Hi, thanks for replying.

I use to do CBT but my therapist has given me the silent treatment for a while, due to being away for so long. And I do take medication yes.

19-11-21, 15:25
It might be worth revisiting things that you've done in the past that have helped and explore some new ones too. There is lots of advice on this site that you might find helpful.