View Full Version : High c reactive protein. Blood tests are setting off my health anxiety…

17-11-21, 23:02
I finally got some blood work done after 3-4 years of not doing it. I only did because my hair has been shedding a lot, where now it is noticiable that it is thinning out.

My doctor did some autoimmune tests, she did one called c reactive protein, it came out very high. It’s at 24mg/L. It should be 5.0 or less. I’m really scared it’s inflammation of my heart, or something seriously bad/heart related.

Anyone ever had high c reactive protein?
I’m 28 but overweight and currently the last two months have been working out slowly and eating a bit better.

18-11-21, 00:24
Mine was high last year when I had bronchitis. Lots of things can make CRP go up, since it is an inflammation marker. What did your doctor say about your result?

18-11-21, 00:31
Mine was high last year when I had bronchitis. Lots of things can make CRP go up, since it is an inflammation marker. What did your doctor say about your result?

Thank you for responding! I see my doctor on Tuesday so I’m not sure what she will say. Initially the tests were because I’m shedding a lot of hair. I’ve read autoimmune issue can cause it as well.

Did yours go lower after you felt better?

18-11-21, 01:03
Yes, mine is just above normal. But the doctor says just above normal might be my "normal".