View Full Version : how stupid

11-02-05, 23:43
A couple of weeks ago my ex-boyfriend was involved in an accident, he is still in coma. His family would like me to come and visit him and so do I. He lives abroad, so that means a pretty long journey best undertanken by airplane (saving time and money). Now apart from manageable problems (like me not having too much money for long travels and my family not wishing me to go) this involves a mile-long list of things I tend to panic about. As I was sitting here studying time-tables and hotels, wondering how I can possibly manage the whole trip it all of a sudden dawned upon me how absurd a situation this is. Here I am worrying about mere technicalities whilst every 'normal' person would worry most about whatever awaits them at the end of the trip... yet somehow I'm not scared out of my wits about seeing him like that. It's just absurd and I think very hard to understand for people who never had to tackle panic and anxiety.

12-02-05, 00:09
I'm really sorry to hear about his accident. Where is he ?

It may sound absurd both to your thinking self and others about your worries about the trip but we all have foibles of some sort and these are yours for now.

When do you leave ?


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

12-02-05, 00:13

So sorry about your boyfriend that is enough to take on without the added pressure.

Dont feel guilty about your anxiety over it all, i think anyone would worry but for us it is worse.

I am sure you will sort it out and going to see him will work out for you. Trust in yourself and i am sure you will be fine. Focus on how he loves you and how you love him and dont let anxiety take that happiness away.

Remember how you and him are together and dont let anything take that away.

I really hope you can do this, i am sure you can and you know we are all here to support you.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

12-02-05, 00:51
hello there,

I am so sorry to hear about your boyfriend!! I can imagine that it is a big shock and it is no wonder that you are feeling so anxious. The best thing you can do is make the journey and go see him. I'm sure that once you arrive there, you will be pleased that you made the effort. Wishing you both all the best!!

Sarah :D

12-02-05, 20:52
Thanks all - I will make that trip, but I haven't started making definite plans yet. I wish I could -just- go but unfortunately life's not like a movie where people just hop into planes when fancy takes them. So I'll have to tackle all the planning first - which gives me plenty of time to worry.

12-02-05, 21:29
good to hear your so determined to do it keep us posted on your planning

fan x

13-02-05, 10:48
Good luck with it - a difficult situation indeed but you sound very positive... We worriers do fill our time with negative thoughts but you're doing very well, you're up for going and are preparing yourself.

Hope everything works-out for the best for you all
